Glassfish 4.0 遇到了同样的问题,也没有深入了解它。大多数人似乎只是设置了relaxAutoCommit
不正确的状态,而且如果真的像这样查询 MySQL 数据库:SELECT @@session.autocommit
如果驱动连接的 MySQL 版本不支持事务,是否仍然允许调用 commit()、rollback() 和 setAutoCommit()(true/false,默认为 'false')?
启用 ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor 和其他日志记录后,应用程序日志中生成的一些输出如下所示:
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - auto-commit set to: false
18 Feb 16:47:07 INFO [http-listener-1(11)] - Autocommit before command: SetActionCommand
18 Feb 16:47:07 INFO [http-listener-1(11)] - Autocommit state is: connAutocommit=true, sessAutocommit=true
18 Feb 16:47:07 INFO [http-listener-1(11)] - SetActionCommand: host: bat424211win64, action: Checking, comment: Checking:20160218.164706.EST: Stuck Windows Check
18 Feb 16:47:07 INFO [http-listener-1(11)] - Autocommit after command: SetActionCommand
18 Feb 16:47:07 INFO [http-listener-1(11)] - Autocommit state is: connAutocommit=true, sessAutocommit=true
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - commit called
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - auto-commit should be false
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - Exception while executing: SetActionCommand
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - rollback called
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] - auto-commit should be false
18 Feb 16:47:07 WARN [http-listener-1(11)] - Connection failure
18 Feb 16:47:07 ERROR [http-listener-1(11)] -
ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor 正在记录我们正在调用 setAutoCommit(false) 的事实,并且在调用 SetActionCommand 之前和之后的其他日志记录正在报告 getAutoCommit() 和 session.autocommit 的结果。
Connector/J 的相关部分以及我自己的一些附加评论:
public void setAutoCommit(final boolean autoCommitFlag) throws SQLException {
synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { // Mutex is 'this'
if (this.connectionLifecycleInterceptors != null) { // Normally should be 'null'
IterateBlock<Extension> iter = new IterateBlock<Extension>(this.connectionLifecycleInterceptors.iterator()) {
void forEach(Extension each) throws SQLException {
if (!((ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor) each).setAutoCommit(autoCommitFlag)) { // Logged 'auto-commit set to: false'
this.stopIterating = true;
if (!iter.fullIteration()) { // Only one listener (ours) AFAIK, unlikely to return here
if (getAutoReconnectForPools()) { // Default for autoReconnectForPools is 'false'
try {
if (this.transactionsSupported) { // This is 'true'
boolean needsSetOnServer = true;
if (this.getUseLocalSessionState() && this.autoCommit == autoCommitFlag) { // Default for useLocalSessionState is 'false'
needsSetOnServer = false;
} else if (!this.getHighAvailability()) { // This is 'false'
needsSetOnServer = this.getIO().isSetNeededForAutoCommitMode(autoCommitFlag); // Looks like this is always 'true'?
// this internal value must be set first as failover depends on it being set to true to fail over (which is done by most app servers and
// connection pools at the end of a transaction), and the driver issues an implicit set based on this value when it (re)-connects to a
// server so the value holds across connections
this.autoCommit = autoCommitFlag; // Updated value is not reflected in getAutoCommit()! We never get here?
if (needsSetOnServer) {
execSQL(null, autoCommitFlag ? "SET autocommit=1" : "SET autocommit=0", -1, null, DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_TYPE,
DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY, false, this.database, null, false);
} else {
if ((autoCommitFlag == false) && !getRelaxAutoCommit()) {
throw SQLError.createSQLException("MySQL Versions Older than 3.23.15 do not support transactions",
SQLError.SQL_STATE_CONNECTION_NOT_OPEN, getExceptionInterceptor());
this.autoCommit = autoCommitFlag;
} finally {
if (this.getAutoReconnectForPools()) {
protected boolean isSetNeededForAutoCommitMode(boolean autoCommitFlag) {
if (this.use41Extensions && this.connection.getElideSetAutoCommits()) { // Default for elideSetAutoCommits is 'false'
boolean autoCommitModeOnServer = ((this.serverStatus & SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT) != 0);
if (!autoCommitFlag && versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 0)) {
// Just to be safe, check if a transaction is in progress on the server....
// if so, then we must be in autoCommit == false
// therefore return the opposite of transaction status
boolean inTransactionOnServer = ((this.serverStatus & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS) != 0);
return !inTransactionOnServer;
return autoCommitModeOnServer != autoCommitFlag;
return true; // Should always be returning 'true'
我很困惑为什么 setAutoCommit() 在实际做任何事情之前就返回了,除非有什么东西导致 iter.fullIteration() 返回 false。