
我想将 CSV 数据批量导入 Drupal 7。这是场景:

  • 我正在使用 3 个实体组合并形成第 4 个实体;
  • 我必须使用此 CSV 导入执行 CRUD 操作;

这个过程随着时间的推移而变慢:CSV 中有大约 18000 条记录,并且这个数字将来可能会增加。



1 回答 1


I do this a lot, here's how I handle it

  1. Transform the CSV into XML using PHP scripts.
  2. Use FEEDS and Feeds Xpath Parser to import in the cleaned up data to Drupal entities, may not be in a single import. You'll have to work out the dependencies and order to import them in as result.

I can't give a more complete answer without knowing exactly how your 3 entities are related to the other (simple EntityReferences or more complicate?) .

于 2014-05-08T14:08:59.783 回答