我想知道 Chrome 的声明性网络请求 API 何时会进入稳定通道(https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/declarativeWebRequest)。我意识到这要求很多。不过,我想编写一个依赖于 beta API 的扩展,我只是好奇是否有最好的方法来猜测它何时会变得稳定。
66 次
2 回答
declarativeWebRequest is not currently scheduled for promotion to stable. There were some issues with certain use cases that made the current design and implementation insufficient for the long-term support that stable would entail. We have not announced plans to proceed further with the API. You can star http://crbug.com/112155 for updates.
于 2014-05-07T20:00:57.210 回答
在 Chrome API 稳定之前,无法猜测它何时会稳定。优先级、功能、错误等让人无法预测。
于 2014-05-07T18:15:25.417 回答