i'm trying to register a user (from an Android app) to my server.

For my website, it works well and i receive my JSON response.

Into my app, when i send the request if all the data are good and the person is registered i do not get any response.

It's the same function ...

I found the line where, after this line i do not get any response on my app.

It's the one when i call my model to save the guy in my database. To encrypt his password, i use BCrypt with a cost of 13.

I thought it would take a long time and maybe the timeout of AsyncHttp was too small but it's 10s and on the website the user does not wait more than 1s when he get registered.

I didn't put any code because it's working perfectly on the website, and on the app i get all the error messages if there are any. It's just when i use BCrypt on the server, my app doesn't get any response ...

Any idea why ? I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance ! :)

EDIT : Here's some code if that can help

// if mail already exists, refuse
if ($this->inscrit_model->does_mail_exists($mail) && !$this->inscrit_model->does_mail_exists_and_free($mail)) {         
    $response = array('status' => 'failed', 'error' => 'mail_already_exists');
    $data = json_encode($response);
    echo $data;
    return 0;

// if nickname already exists, refuse
if ($this->inscrit_model->does_pseudo_exists($pseudo) && !$this->inscrit_model->does_pseudo_exists_and_free($pseudo)) {         
    $response = array('status' => 'failed', 'error' => 'nickname_already_exists');
    $data = json_encode($response);
    echo $data;
    return 0;

// if the mail is available (used in projects but not registered), just make an update
if ($this->inscrit_model->does_mail_exists_and_free($mail)) {
    // le mail est deja present dans certains projets, on fait donc une maj pour l'inscrire
    $id_pers = $this->inscrit_model->update_inscrit($prenom, $nom, $pseudo, $id_facebook, $mail, $mdp);

// all is good, create the new user
else {
    // on crée par insert le nouvel inscrit
    $id_pers = $this->inscrit_model->creer_inscrit($prenom, $nom, $pseudo, $id_facebook, $mail, $mdp);

creer_inscrit function (to register the new guy) :

public function creer_inscrit ($p_prenom, $p_nom, $p_pseudo, $p_id_facebook, $p_mail, $p_mdp) {

    // mise en minuscule sauf premieres lettres (prenom/nom)
    $p_prenom = ucfirst(strtolower($p_prenom));
    $p_nom = ucfirst(strtolower($p_nom));
    $p_mail = strtolower($p_mail);

    $this->db->set('prenom', $p_prenom)
             ->set('nom', $p_nom)
             ->set('pseudo', $p_pseudo)
             ->set('idFacebook', $p_id_facebook)
             ->set('mail', $p_mail)
             ->set('mdp', $p_mdp)
             ->set('dateInscription', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))
             ->set('dateDerniereCo', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))

    return $this->db->insert_id();

If i call the function from a browser, it works, if i call the function from my android app, i do not get any answer from the server when it reachs the line

$id_pers = $this->inscrit_model->update_inscrit($prenom, $nom, $pseudo, $id_facebook, $mail, $mdp);

I can get the errors before like for example nickname_already_exists.



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