I have a small issue right now where I am trying to integrate Google wallet with my project which has many users which will all have access to using this gateway and accepting payments.

The only issue I cannot seem to over come or figure out how to get around is how am I supposed to know which sellers secret key to use for the encoded JWT I receive from the postback?

Since I cannot access the the data inside the JWT obviously without decoding it first?

Thanks to anyone who can help me brainstorm about trying to work around this.

------UPDATE------ By the looks of what I have here, could I use the success or failure call back handlers to associate my users with the encoded JWT and then then compare the JWT to a database and call the corosponding users data to decode the JWT?


1 回答 1



  • aud
  • sellerData

从谷歌postback获得Seller Id...


  1. Base64url 解码 JWT 以获取卖方 IDaudsellerData
  2. 查找存储的卖家密码
  3. 验证智威汤逊


于 2014-05-07T15:23:13.117 回答