我已经定义了我的应用程序支持的 UTI,并且可以将它们拖到 Dock 图标上。我还在我的应用程序委托中实现了 -application:openFiles: 和 -application:openFile: 。但是,当我获得有关我支持的 UTI 项目的信息时,它不会显示在列表中,并且在我浏览到“其他”时显示为灰色。我从下面的 plist 中粘贴了一个示例 UTI。我可能做错了什么?我特别希望它能够与内置的 App Store 集成一起使用。

        <string>Comic Book Zip Archive</string>
        <string>Comic Book Zip Archive</string>


我启动了一个虚拟机,除了安装我自己的应用程序之外没有任何第三方应用程序,并且一切都按预期工作。我已经像这样重建了我的 LaunchServices 数据库:

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.fra‌​mework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user ; killall Dock

这没有任何区别。然后,我使用此命令对 LaunchServices 数据库进行了转储,并在其下方显示了我的应用程序包的结果。这对我来说看起来很合理,但我不确定我在寻找什么。我是否可能与系统上的其他应用程序发生某种类型的冲突?如果是这样,我将如何解决这个问题?

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.fra‌​mework/Support/lsregister -dump >>lsregister.txt


bundle  id:            61808
    path:          /Applications/AppName.app
    name:          AppName
    category:      public.app-category.entertainment
    identifier:    com.abbey-code.AppName (0x800183e0)
    canonical id:  com.abbey-code.appName (0x8001a08d)
    version:       6433.0
    mod date:      5/6/2014 22:54:46
    reg date:      5/7/2014 9:04:25
    type code:     'APPL'
    creator code:  '????'
    sys version:   10.9
    exec sdk ver:  10.9
    exec os ver:   10.9
    flags:         relative-icon-path  
    item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  x86_64  
    hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
    app nap:       is-capabile  
    icon:          Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns
    executable:    Contents/MacOS/AppName
    inode:         37029967
    exec inode:    37030002
    container id:  32
    library:       Contents/Library/
    library items: QuickLook/AppNameQL.qlgenerator/
    type    id:            46888
        bindableKey:   3266
        generation:    7459
        uti:           com.abbey-code.cbz-archive
        description:   Comic Book Zip Archive
        flags:         exported  active  trusted  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBZ.icns
        conforms to:   public.zip-archive, public.data
        tags:          .cbz
    type    id:            46932
        bindableKey:   3267
        generation:    7459
        uti:           com.abbey-code.cbr-archive
        description:   Comic Book RAR Archive
        flags:         exported  active  trusted  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBR.icns
        conforms to:   public.archive, public.data
        tags:          .cbr
    claim   id:            37936
        bindableKey:   3268
        generation:    7459
        name:          Comic Book Zip Archive
        rank:          Owner
        roles:         Editor  
        flags:         relative-icon-path  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBZ.icns
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbz-archive
    claim   id:            37972
        bindableKey:   3269
        generation:    7459
        name:          Comic Book RAR Archive
        rank:          Owner
        roles:         Editor  
        flags:         relative-icon-path  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBR.icns
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbr-archive
    claim   id:            38008
        bindableKey:   3270
        generation:    1
        name:          PDF Document
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Viewer  
        bindings:      .pdf
    claim   id:            38044
        bindableKey:   3271
        generation:    1
        name:          RAR Archive
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Viewer  
        bindings:      .rar
    claim   id:            38080
        bindableKey:   3272
        generation:    1
        name:          ZIP Archive
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Editor  
        bindings:      .zip
    claim   id:            38116
        bindableKey:   3273
        generation:    7459
        rank:          Default
        roles:         QLGenerator  
        delegate:      QuickLook/AppNameQL.qlgenerator/
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbz-archive, com.abbey-code.cbr-archive

1 回答 1


您可以将您的应用程序设置为默认为代码中的特定文档类型启动的应用程序。我发现这在某些情况下是必要的,因为在 info.plist 中设置链接还不够。这通常在您的应用控制器的 +initialize 方法中:

    //First Check if our app is the default application to open .cbz files
NSString *cbzUTI = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension,
NSString *currentCbzApp = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(LSCopyDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType((__bridge CFStringRef)cbzUTI, kLSRolesAll));

if ([currentCbzApp caseInsensitiveCompare:@"com.abbey-code.AppName"] != NSOrderedSame) {
    //If not, then first register it in Launch Services
    LSRegisterURL((__bridge CFURLRef)[[NSBundle mainBundle] executableURL], YES);
    //Second set it as the default handler for the file type
    LSSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType((__bridge CFStringRef)cbzUTI, kLSRolesAll,(__bridge CFStringRef) [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]);
于 2014-08-10T21:35:23.060 回答