我是 flex 新手,我似乎无法让它发挥作用。本质上,我有一个选择框,它的可用数据依赖于另一个组合框。
每个 CategoryType 中有多个 TreatmentType。
private function refreshAvailableTreatmentTypes():void {
// this is the combo box
fAccomplishment.habitatType = habitatTypeId.selectedIndex != -1 ? habitatTypeId.selectedItem as HabitatType : null;
// fAccompRemote is a RemoteObject
var treatmentList:ArrayCollection = fAccompRemote.getValidTreatments(fAccompForm.accomplishment, fAccomplishment.habitatType);
if ( fAccompForm.categoryTypes != null ) {
// All categories are always shown. These are passed to the form on construction.
for each ( var currentCat:CategoryType in fAccompForm.categoryTypes ) {
var catAdded:Boolean = false;
/* loop through all the treatments in each Category and add them to
* the available list if they meet the criteria */
for each ( var currentTreat:TreatmentType in currentCat.treatments ) {
if (currentTreat.id in treatmentList || treatmentList.length == 0) {
if (!catAdded) {
// fCatsAndTreats defined as a [Bindable] private var
fCatsAndTreats.addItem( currentCat );
catAdded = true;
fCatsAndTreats.addItem( currentTreat );
public List<TreatmentType> getValidTreatments(Accomplishment accomp, HabitatType selectedHabitatType){
if ( accomp == null || accomp.getGeometry() == null || accomp.getHabitatType() == null) {
return new ArrayList<TreatmentType>();
Geometry accompGeo = accomp.getGeometry();
List<TreatmentType> optionList = new ArrayList<TreatmentType>();
String geomName = null;
if ( accompGeo instanceof Point || accompGeo instanceof MultiPoint ) {
geomName = "Point";
} else if ( accompGeo instanceof LineString || accompGeo instanceof MultiLineString) {
geomName = "Line";
} else if ( accompGeo instanceof Polygon || accompGeo instanceof MultiPolygon ) {
geomName = "Polygon";
Integer habTypeId = null;
if (selectedHabitatType == null) {
habTypeId = accomp.getHabitatType().getId();
} else {
habTypeId = selectedHabitatType.getId();
optionList = accomplishmentDao.getValidTreatments(geomName, habTypeId);
return optionList;
TypeError:错误 #1034:类型强制失败:无法将 mx.rpc::AsyncToken@1af48641 转换为 mx.collections.ArrayCollection。