I would like to know how to proceed to set up a work environment in order to develop Spring BlazeDS applications. Those server applications are meant to be accessed via AMF remoting from some client Flex application.

Actually I have Maven and m2eclipse set up and working, local JBoss v6.0M2 running, Flex 4 plugin installed.

Ideally, I would like to know how to create an eclipse project in which I can have both server (Java) and client (Flex) code and be able to deploy everything in one click to JBoss. Maybe there is a special Maven archetype for this setup? If not, I will be happy if someone can provide step by step instructions to setup all this stuff.

Thank you in advance


1 回答 1


查看maven-blazeds-spring-archetype原型(及其入门指南)和启发原型的文章:Flex、Spring 和 BlazeDS 全栈 - 第 1 部分:创建 Flex 模块


  1. 从远程存储库创建项目

    mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=<your artifactId> -DarchetypeCatalog=http://maven-blazeds-spring-archetype.googlecode.com/svn/maven2/ 
  2. cd进入创建的项目并修改 Sonatype 的存储库的位置 ./pom.xml。将http://svn.sonatype.org/flexmojos/repository替换为http://repository.sonatype.org/content/groups/forge/(有 2 处需要替换)。

  3. 更新<flex-mojos.version>in的版本app-flex/pom.xml,换成2.0M8最新的2.0.3

  4. 执行初始设置

    mvn clean install -DtemplateURI=folder:html-template
  5. 按照GettingStarted的其余步骤操作。

于 2010-02-27T10:51:52.903 回答