I have seen all the examples on the web and it seems real simple. I have a bare-bones app that displays a string. I have a a Android JUnit test project that I created when the app was being created (eclipse asked if I wanted to create a test app).
When I run the test app (Run As --- Android JUnit) I see the following in the console....
[2010-02-27 00:45:03 - SimpleCalculatorTest]Launching instrumentation android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner on device emulator-5554 [2010-02-27 00:45:12 - SimpleCalculatorTest]Test run complete
I do not see any of the code in the testcase being called. My testcase is a class that extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. DDMS log shows : 02-27 00:44:58.521: WARN/TestGrouping(1275): Invalid Package: '' could not be found or has no tests
Any ideas? I have tried everything....