我使用财富算法找到一组点的 Voronoi 图。我得到的是一个线段列表,但我需要知道哪些线段形成封闭的多边形,并将它们放在一个由它们周围的原始点散列的对象中。
这是我在 Java 中从 C++ 实现移植而来的财富算法实现here
class Voronoi {
// The set of points that control the centers of the cells
private LinkedList<Point> pts;
// A list of line segments that defines where the cells are divided
private LinkedList<Edge> output;
// The sites that have not yet been processed, in acending order of X coordinate
private PriorityQueue sites;
// Possible upcoming cirlce events in acending order of X coordinate
private PriorityQueue events;
// The root of the binary search tree of the parabolic wave front
private Arc root;
void runFortune(LinkedList pts) {
root = null;
Point p;
ListIterator i = pts.listIterator(0);
while (i.hasNext()) {
// Process the queues; select the top element with smaller x coordinate.
while (sites.size() > 0) {
if ((events.size() > 0) && ((((CircleEvent) events.peek()).xpos) <= (((Point) sites.peek()).x))) {
processCircleEvent((CircleEvent) events.poll());
} else {
//process a site event by adding a curve to the parabolic front
frontInsert((Point) sites.poll());
// After all points are processed, do the remaining circle events.
while (events.size() > 0) {
processCircleEvent((CircleEvent) events.poll());
// Clean up dangling edges.
private void processCircleEvent(CircleEvent event) {
if (event.valid) {
//start a new edge
Edge edgy = new Edge(event.p);
// Remove the associated arc from the front.
Arc parc = event.a;
if (parc.prev != null) {
parc.prev.next = parc.next;
parc.prev.edge1 = edgy;
if (parc.next != null) {
parc.next.prev = parc.prev;
parc.next.edge0 = edgy;
// Finish the edges before and after this arc.
if (parc.edge0 != null) {
if (parc.edge1 != null) {
// Recheck circle events on either side of p:
if (parc.prev != null) {
checkCircleEvent(parc.prev, event.xpos);
if (parc.next != null) {
checkCircleEvent(parc.next, event.xpos);
void frontInsert(Point focus) {
if (root == null) {
root = new Arc(focus);
Arc parc = root;
while (parc != null) {
CircleResultPack rez = intersect(focus, parc);
if (rez.valid) {
// New parabola intersects parc. If necessary, duplicate parc.
if (parc.next != null) {
CircleResultPack rezz = intersect(focus, parc.next);
if (!rezz.valid){
Arc bla = new Arc(parc.focus);
bla.prev = parc;
bla.next = parc.next;
parc.next.prev = bla;
parc.next = bla;
} else {
parc.next = new Arc(parc.focus);
parc.next.prev = parc;
parc.next.edge1 = parc.edge1;
// Add new arc between parc and parc.next.
Arc bla = new Arc(focus);
bla.prev = parc;
bla.next = parc.next;
parc.next.prev = bla;
parc.next = bla;
parc = parc.next; // Now parc points to the new arc.
// Add new half-edges connected to parc's endpoints.
parc.edge0 = new Edge(rez.center);
parc.prev.edge1 = parc.edge0;
parc.edge1 = new Edge(rez.center);
parc.next.edge0 = parc.edge1;
// Check for new circle events around the new arc:
checkCircleEvent(parc, focus.x);
checkCircleEvent(parc.prev, focus.x);
checkCircleEvent(parc.next, focus.x);
//proceed to next arc
parc = parc.next;
// Special case: If p never intersects an arc, append it to the list.
parc = root;
while (parc.next != null) {
parc = parc.next; // Find the last node.
parc.next = new Arc(focus);
parc.next.prev = parc;
Point start = new Point(0, (parc.next.focus.y + parc.focus.y) / 2);
parc.next.edge0 = new Edge(start);
parc.edge1 = parc.next.edge0;
void checkCircleEvent(Arc parc, double xpos) {
// Invalidate any old event.
if ((parc.event != null) && (parc.event.xpos != xpos)) {
parc.event.valid = false;
parc.event = null;
if ((parc.prev == null) || (parc.next == null)) {
CircleResultPack result = circle(parc.prev.focus, parc.focus, parc.next.focus);
if (result.valid && result.rightmostX > xpos) {
// Create new event.
parc.event = new CircleEvent(result.rightmostX, result.center, parc);
// Find the rightmost point on the circle through a,b,c.
CircleResultPack circle(Point a, Point b, Point c) {
CircleResultPack result = new CircleResultPack();
// Check that bc is a "right turn" from ab.
if ((b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) - (c.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y) > 0) {
result.valid = false;
return result;
// Algorithm from O'Rourke 2ed p. 189.
double A = b.x - a.x;
double B = b.y - a.y;
double C = c.x - a.x;
double D = c.y - a.y;
double E = A * (a.x + b.x) + B * (a.y + b.y);
double F = C * (a.x + c.x) + D * (a.y + c.y);
double G = 2 * (A * (c.y - b.y) - B * (c.x - b.x));
if (G == 0) { // Points are co-linear.
result.valid = false;
return result;
// centerpoint of the circle.
Point o = new Point((D * E - B * F) / G, (A * F - C * E) / G);
result.center = o;
// o.x plus radius equals max x coordinate.
result.rightmostX = o.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - o.x, 2.0) + Math.pow(a.y - o.y, 2.0));
result.valid = true;
return result;
// Will a new parabola at point p intersect with arc i?
CircleResultPack intersect(Point p, Arc i) {
CircleResultPack res = new CircleResultPack();
res.valid = false;
if (i.focus.x == p.x) {
return res;
double a = 0.0;
double b = 0.0;
if (i.prev != null) // Get the intersection of i->prev, i.
a = intersection(i.prev.focus, i.focus, p.x).y;
if (i.next != null) // Get the intersection of i->next, i.
b = intersection(i.focus, i.next.focus, p.x).y;
if ((i.prev == null || a <= p.y) && (i.next == null || p.y <= b)) {
res.center = new Point(0, p.y);
// Plug it back into the parabola equation to get the x coordinate
res.center.x = (i.focus.x * i.focus.x + (i.focus.y - res.center.y) * (i.focus.y - res.center.y) - p.x * p.x) / (2 * i.focus.x - 2 * p.x);
res.valid = true;
return res;
return res;
// Where do two parabolas intersect?
Point intersection(Point p0, Point p1, double l) {
Point res = new Point(0, 0);
Point p = p0;
if (p0.x == p1.x) {
res.y = (p0.y + p1.y) / 2;
} else if (p1.x == l) {
res.y = p1.y;
} else if (p0.x == l) {
res.y = p0.y;
p = p1;
} else {
// Use the quadratic formula.
double z0 = 2 * (p0.x - l);
double z1 = 2 * (p1.x - l);
double a = 1 / z0 - 1 / z1;
double b = -2 * (p0.y / z0 - p1.y / z1);
double c = (p0.y * p0.y + p0.x * p0.x - l * l) / z0 - (p1.y * p1.y + p1.x * p1.x - l * l) / z1;
res.y = (-b - Math.sqrt((b * b - 4 * a * c))) / (2 * a);
// Plug back into one of the parabola equations.
res.x = (p.x * p.x + (p.y - res.y) * (p.y - res.y) - l * l) / (2 * p.x - 2 * l);
return res;
void finishEdges() {
// Advance the sweep line so no parabolas can cross the bounding box.
double l = gfx.width * 2 + gfx.height;
// Extend each remaining segment to the new parabola intersections.
Arc i = root;
while (i != null) {
if (i.edge1 != null) {
i.edge1.finish(intersection(i.focus, i.next.focus, l * 2));
i = i.next;
class Point implements Comparable<Point> {
public double x, y;
//public Point goal;
public Point(double X, double Y) {
x = X;
y = Y;
public int compareTo(Point foo) {
return ((Double) this.x).compareTo((Double) foo.x);
class CircleEvent implements Comparable<CircleEvent> {
public double xpos;
public Point p;
public Arc a;
public boolean valid;
public CircleEvent(double X, Point P, Arc A) {
xpos = X;
a = A;
p = P;
valid = true;
public int compareTo(CircleEvent foo) {
return ((Double) this.xpos).compareTo((Double) foo.xpos);
class Edge {
public Point start, end;
public boolean done;
public Edge(Point p) {
start = p;
end = new Point(0, 0);
done = false;
public void finish(Point p) {
if (done) {
end = p;
done = true;
class Arc {
//parabolic arc is the set of points eqadistant from a focus point and the beach line
public Point focus;
//these object exsit in a linked list
public Arc next, prev;
public CircleEvent event;
public Edge edge0, edge1;
public Arc(Point p) {
focus = p;
next = null;
prev = null;
event = null;
edge0 = null;
edge1 = null;
class CircleResultPack {
// stupid Java doesnt let me return multiple variables without doing this
public boolean valid;
public Point center;
public double rightmostX;
LinkedList<Poly> polys;
//contains all polygons created by Voronoi edges
class Poly {
//defines a single polygon
public Point locus;
public LinkedList<Points> verts;
我能想到的最直接的蛮力方法是创建图中点(边的端点)的无向图,每个点都有一个条目,每个边都有一个连接点(没有重复)然后去查找该图中的所有循环,然后对于共享 3 个或更多点的每组循环,丢弃除最短循环之外的所有循环。但是,这太慢了。