一个相当奇怪的经历。使用来自 ActiveState 的最新 PDK (v7.3),我使用 perlctrl 构建了一个 COM DLL。Perlctrl 运行顺利。OLEView 读了typelib 好了。RegSvr32 注册好了。但是......在注册表中没有任何迹象,任何试图使用它的东西都会失败。我使用 RegEdit 寻找各种 UID,但它们不存在。

代码如下。它是 Lingua::ZH::WordSegmenter 的包装,但编码更改为 utf8 而不是 gbk。


package ZHWordSeg;

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use ws;

use Encode;

use constant STX => chr( 2 ); #[
use constant ETX => chr( 3 ); #]
use constant FS => chr( 28 ); #^
use constant RS => chr( 30 ); #~

use constant TAB_SEPARATOR => 0;
use constant CARET_SEPARATOR => 1;
use constant FS_SEPARATOR => 2;
use constant SPACE_SEPARATOR => 3;
use constant AS_ARRAY => 4;

use feature 'switch';

our $segmenter; 

sub ZHWordSeg_Setup {
  my $dic = shift;
  my $dic_encoding = shift;
  my $separator = shift;
  my $verbose = shift;

  $dic_encoding = 'utf8' unless defined( $dic_encoding );
  $separator = " " unless defined( $separator );
  $verbose = 0 unless defined( $verbose );

  if ( defined( $dic ) ) {
    $segmenter = ws->new( dic => $dic, dic_encoding => $dic_encoding, seperator => $separator, verbose => $verbose );
  } else {
    $segmenter = ws->new( dic_encoding => $dic_encoding, seperator => $separator, verbose => $verbose );

sub ZHWordSeg {
  my $source = shift;
  print STDERR $source;
  my $sepcode = shift;
  $source = encode("utf8",$source);
  my $stringres = $segmenter->seg($source);
  my @arrayres;

  given ($sepcode) {
    when (TAB_SEPARATOR) { 
      $stringres =~ tr/ /\t/;
      return $stringres;
    when (CARET_SEPARATOR) { 
      $stringres =~ tr/ /^/;
      $stringres .= "^";
      return $stringres;
    when (FS_SEPARATOR) { 
      $stringres =~ s/ /FS/eg;
      $stringres .= FS;
      return $stringres;
    when (SPACE_SEPARATOR) { 
      return $stringres;
    default { 
      @arrayres = split( / /, $stringres );
      return \@arrayres;

sub SetDictionary {
  my ($source) = shift;
  my $res = set_dic($source);
  return $res;



=begin PerlCtrl

%TypeLib = (
  PackageName     => 'ZHWordSeg',
  DocString       => 'Chinese word segmentation',
  HelpContext     => 1,
  TypeLibGUID     => '{F6C9BD66-7CA1-4610-B77F-E219A7122C18}', # do NOT edit this line
  ControlGUID     => '{45D47C6A-2B9A-4D62-9CFD-F18C95DC00C5}', # do NOT edit this line either
  DispInterfaceIID=> '{007E4E7A-3B75-4DC3-864C-7746860941B3}', # or this one
  ControlName     => 'BOCWS',
  ControlVer      => 2,  # increment if new object with same ProgID
  # create new GUIDs as well
  ProgID          => 'ZHWordSeg.BOCWS',
  LCID            => 0,
  DefaultMethod   => 'ChineseWordSegmenter',
  Methods         => {
      'ChineseWordSegmenter' => {
        RetType             =>  VT_VARIANT,
        TotalParams         =>  2,
        NumOptionalParams   =>  1,
        ParamList           =>  
          [ 'source' => VT_BSTR,
            'sepcode' => VT_I4
      'ChineseWordSegmenter_Setup' => {
        RetType             =>  VT_VARIANT,
        TotalParams         =>  4,
        NumOptionalParams   =>  4,
        ParamList           =>  
          [ 'dic' => VT_BSTR,
            'dic_encoding' => VT_BSTR,
            'separator' => VT_BSTR,
            'verbose' => VT_BSTR
  },  # end of 'Methods'
  Properties        => {
      DocString  => "Separate items with TAB (0x0)",
      Type => VT_I4, 
      DispID => 3,
      ReadOnly => 1,
      DocString  => "Separate items with ^ (0x1)",
      Type => VT_I4, 
      DispID => 4,
      ReadOnly => 1,
      DocString  => "Separate items with ascii 28 (0x2)",
      Type => VT_I4, 
      DispID => 5,
      ReadOnly => 1,
      DocString  => "Separate items with space (0x3)",
      Type => VT_I4, 
      DispID => 6,
      ReadOnly => 1,
    AS_ARRAY => {
      DocString  => "Separate items as array (0x4)",
      Type => VT_I4, 
      DispID => 7,
      ReadOnly => 1,
  },  # end of 'Properties'
);  # end of %TypeLib

=end PerlCtrl


这是 .perlctrl 文件,以防万一:

#!C:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 7.3 Deployment\bin\lib\pai.exe
PAP-Version: 1.0
Packer: C:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 7.3 Deployment\bin\perlctrl.exe
Script: ZHWordSeg.ctrl
Byref: 0
Clean: 0
Date: 2008-10-24 18:05:42
Dependent: 0
Dyndll: 0
Exe: BOCWS.dll
Force: 1
Gui: 0
Hostname: xi
No-Compress: 0
No-Gui: 0
No-Logo: 0
Shared: none
Singleton: 0
Verbose: 0
Version-FileDescription: Wrapper of Lingua::ZH::WordSegmenter.pm
Version-FileVersion: 1.0
Version-InternalName: ZHWordSeg
Version-OriginalFilename: ZHWordSeg.ctrl
Version-ProductName: BOChineseWordSegmenter
Version-ProductVersion: 1.0
Warnings: 0
Xclude: 1

1 回答 1


我发现的唯一“解决方案”是在 news:comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 上提出的

i am not a PDK user but from experience i can tell you, that you should check the DllRegister exports code and what it internally does, since this is what the regsvr32 calls and this code is creating the registry keys for your com server/proxy, etc, ...

You can track the registry for changes with sysinternal tools like regmon or procmon, just to make sure!

Ultimately, I gave up and went back to a previous version that worked and tweaked it.

于 2008-11-25T03:07:27.303 回答