我正在使用 python、pygame 和 pymunk 进行物理游戏:一个球(我称之为 X)必须达到 Y 点。这是一款平台游戏 2d 游戏。为了帮助球到达 Y 点,用户必须添加球(右键单击)并制作形状以帮助 X 移动。
但是...当我发现(最近,在我开始编写代码之后)pygame 中存在类和方法以及精灵时,我很惊讶地发现我的代码“丑陋”,而且太乱了。但我不想重写代码,我的目标是在“空间”(窗口)中添加一个区域,当 X 与其碰撞时,会发生事件(例如;下一级,出现图片, ETC)。
谁能帮我 ?我一直在法语论坛上询问,但找不到解决方案。我希望 stack-overflow 的社区能解决这个问题^^
谢谢大家 :)
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.color import *
import random
import math
import pymunk
from pymunk import Vec2d
import pymunk as pm
X,Y = 0,1
### Physics collision types
def flipy(y):
"""Small hack to convert chipmunk physics to pygame coordinates"""
return -y+600
def mouse_coll_func(space,arbiter):
s1,s2 = arbiter.shapes
s2.unsafe_set_radius(s2.radius + 0.15)
return False
def main():
fen1 = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 675))
pygame.display.set_caption('Niveau 1')
marche = True
#Elements physiques
space = pm.Space()
space.gravity = Vec2d(0.0, -900.0)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
logos = []
logo_img = pygame.image.load("pringles.png").convert_alpha()
balls = []
ball_static = []
###Mouvements à la souris
mouse_body = pm.Body()
mouse_shape = pm.Circle(mouse_body, 3, Vec2d(99,99)) #0,0
mouse_shape.collision_type = COLLTYPE_MOUSE
space.add_collision_handler(COLLTYPE_MOUSE, COLLTYPE_BALL, None, mouse_coll_func, None, None)
# Static line
static_body = pymunk.Body()
static_lines = [pymunk.Segment(static_body, (139.0, 480.0), (137.0, 479.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (18.0, 497.0), (249.0, 496.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (252.0, 496.0), (309.0, 479.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (309.0, 477.0), (358.0, 443.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (358.0, 443.0), (407.0, 374.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (407.0, 374.0), (433.0, 287.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (482.0, 79.0), (520.0, 34.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (433.0, 287.0), (449.0, 193.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (450.0, 193.0), (458.0, 130.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (458.0, 130.0), (480.0, 79.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (521.0, 34.0), (573.0, 8.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (573.0, 8.0), (645.0, -12.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (645.0, -12.0), (714.0, -17.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (714.0, -17.0), (805.0, -15.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (805.0, -15.0), (889.0, -6.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (890.0, -5.0), (995.0, 13.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (995.0, 13.0), (1077.0, 23.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (1077.0, 23.0), (1199.0, 24.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (18.0, 497.0), (0.0, 515.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(static_body, (1197.0, 598.0), (1197.0, -71.0), 0.0)]
#apparition de GES
rt = 200, 502
bodyrt = pm.Body(20, 100)
bodyrt.position = rt
shapert = pm.Circle(bodyrt, 40, (0,0))
shapert.friction = 90
shapert.collision_type = COLLTYPE_BALL
space.add(bodyrt, shapert)
#image = pygame.image.load("perso.png").convert_alpha()
# Static line
line_point1 = None
#static_lines = []
run_physics = True
###Friction avec les lignes
for l in static_lines:
l.friction = 0.5
#Fonctions à la souris
while marche:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
marche = False
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
marche = False
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_p:
pygame.image.save(fen1, "test_image.jpg")
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
p = event.pos[X], flipy(event.pos[Y])
body = pm.Body(20, 100)
body.position = p
shape = pm.Circle(body, 20, (0,0))
shape.friction = 90
shape.collision_type = COLLTYPE_BALL
space.add(body, shape)
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 3:
if line_point1 is None:
line_point1 = Vec2d(event.pos[X], flipy(event.pos[Y]))
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 3:
if line_point1 is not None:
line_point2 = Vec2d(event.pos[X], flipy(event.pos[Y]))
print (line_point1, line_point2)
body = pm.Body()
shape= pm.Segment(body, line_point1, line_point2, 0.0)
shape.friction = 0.99
line_point1 = None
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE:
run_physics = not run_physics
p = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
mouse_pos = Vec2d(p[X],flipy(p[Y]))
mouse_body.position = mouse_pos
#mise à jour
dt = 1.0/60.0
for x in range(1):
### Dessiner fond
fen1.blit(fond1, (0,0))
for ball in balls:
r = ball.radius
v = ball.body.position
rot = ball.body.rotation_vector
p = int(v.x), int(flipy(v.y))
p2 = Vec2d(rot.x, -rot.y) * r * 0.9
pygame.draw.circle(fen1, THECOLORS["blue"], p, int(r), 2)
pygame.draw.line(fen1, THECOLORS["yellow"], p, p+p2)
pe = pygame.image.load("pringles.png")
pf = pygame.image.load("pringles3.png")
fen1.blit(pe, (p2,v)) #essayer p2,v
#fen1.blit(pf, (p, p2))
for ball in ball_static:
r = ball.radius
v = ball.body.position
rot = ball.body.rotation_vector
p = int(v.x), int(flipy(v.y))
pt = int(v.x), int(flipy(v.y)) -90
p2 = Vec2d(rot.x, -rot.y) * r * 0.9
fdr = pygame.image.load("pringles2.png")
pygame.draw.circle(fen1, THECOLORS["yellow"], p, int(r), 2)
pygame.draw.line(fen1, THECOLORS["red"], p, p+p2)
if pygame.collide_rect(static_ball, static_lines):
print ('....')
if line_point1 is not None:
p1 = line_point1.x, flipy(line_point1.y)
p2 = mouse_pos.x, flipy(mouse_pos.y)
pygame.draw.lines(fen1, THECOLORS["black"], False, [p1,p2])
for line in static_lines:
body = line.body
pv1 = body.position + line.a.rotated(body.angle)
pv2 = body.position + line.b.rotated(body.angle)
p1 = pv1.x, flipy(pv1.y)
p2 = pv2.x, flipy(pv2.y)
pygame.draw.lines(fen1, THECOLORS["lightgray"], False, [p1,p2])
if __name__ == '__main__':