I want to split a big file into smaller ones without copying part of file, and without using filestream or functions which use it (if it is possible).
Imagine, we have big file which is consisted of 3 files:


In my opinion we can do this with these steps:

  1. Use SetEndOfFile function to truncate the bytes of the last file ([File3bytes] in our example)

  2. Somehow force our file system to recognize those truncated bytes ([File3bytes]) as a real file (maybe by adding some info to MFT table, or doing something with NTFS if it is possible, or using some function or method which can do all mentioned for us).

Any suggestions?


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如何创建一个嵌套在非常大文件实际驻留的现有文件系统上的文件系统并定义一些 IOCTL 命令进行拆分?检查此链接:

如何在 Windows 中编写自己的“文件系统”?

于 2014-05-01T12:45:10.193 回答