Pretty basic question I think, but I'm kind of at a loss.

I'm trying to do some Biztalk->Sharepoint integration. Eventually I'll be moving to dynamic ports etc. but right now all I'm trying to do is add an item to a list in sharepoint. I have a personal site on the company intranet where I have "Full control".

The list has two columns, and my schema has two elements. Very similar to this blog. I'm pretty sure it's the right structure.

I've gone to my biztalk host (BiztalkServerApplication) and made it use my Logon: "domain\username". This is the same logon that has "full permission" on my sharepoint site. When I don't use this account and try to set it in the adapter instead, I get a "System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException"... I've kind of gone off of this link for help in terms of providing my credentials to this Host Instance.

Now I'm getting a "Access denied. You do not have permission..." Error when I try to send this list message! (From a file if that matters).

I'm at a loss here. My host instance has my domain credentials. I'm (nearly) positive they're identical to what's on the host site. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because it seems like I'm following everything perfectly to the letter from what I've found on the internet. Though there's hardly anything when it comes to using the BT2013 Sharepoint Adapter. What are common mistakes that people make with this adapter? I don't feel like I should have to go to our Systems guys to change something on the sharepoint site.

Any and all help appreciated!


2 回答 2


您没有提及您使用的是什么版本的 SharePoint。您可以使用带有客户端对象模型 (CSOM) 的新 BizTalk 2013 适配器与之交互的 SharePoint 版本存在限制。CSOM 仅允许您与 SP2010、SP2013 和 SharePoint Online 上的 SharePoint 服务进行交互。禁用 CSOM 的情况更加受限 - 这意味着您将使用服务端对象模型 (SSOM),并且仅限于 SharePoint 2010。

使用 CSOM 的 BizTalk 2013 SharePoint Services 适配器要求您安装 Windows Identity Foundation,或将其作为一项功能打开,具体取决于您运行 BizTalk Server 的操作系统版本。

确保您已正确设置正确的接收位置以及发送端口(无论是静态的还是动态的):http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj735586 (v=bts.80).aspx

如果您选择在 SharePoint 适配器上禁用 CSOM,则必须在托管 SharePoint 的服务器上安装一项服务(假设它与 BizTalk Server 不同)。在这种情况下,您需要确保托管该服务器的 IIS 应用程序池使用域帐户。在这种情况下(禁用 CSOM),如果您有双跳,您也可能会遇到拒绝访问的问题。如果涉及三台计算机(BizTalk Server、SharePoint Services 和 SQL Server)并且您没有启用 kerberos/setspn(在 SQL 的域帐户和托管 sharepoint 服务的 AppPool 帐户上),那么您将遇到身份验证问题。您可以通过检查 IIS 日志来确定这一点。您会在 IIS 日志中看到失败的状态代码,例如。401.2,然后是 401.1,然后是另一个 4xx 错误。

于 2014-05-05T04:37:03.353 回答

长话短说,我认为的清单实际上不是清单。我试图将一个元素添加到看起来和行为与其他所有 SP 列表完全相同但不是产生权限错误的元素。惊人的。

我打开 InfoPath 并在我的“个人”共享点上创建了一个新列表,然后使用我的 Biztalk Sharepoint 适配器为该列设置硬编码值。插入消息后,它工作正常。

有关更多有用信息,请参阅 @lantrix 对此问题的回复。

于 2014-05-05T14:03:00.577 回答