
While theming does give you many options, you need to follow some user interface     consistency rules:

You must state that you are using reCAPTCHA near the CAPTCHA widget.
You must provide a visible button that calls the reload function.
You must provide a way for visually impaired users to access an audio CAPTCHA.
You must provide alt text for any images that you use as buttons in the reCAPTCHA widget.

src: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/customization

前三个并不难,但第四个有点棘手 - 我没有使用实际图像,但我使用的是fontello glyphs。我知道替代文本是在图像未加载的情况下,但它也是通过文本到语音应用程序为视障人士读取的内容吗?如果是这样,在这些字形上设置替代文本是否是个好主意?



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