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我现在使用广播 ip 和更高的端口 57890。我可以在 Windows 网络监视器中看到流量,但仍然无法让 Python 读取它。
我有一台 linux 机器使用 Qt 和 QUDPSocket 向 IP 地址 上的 UDP 套接字写入“hello”消息。我还有一台 Windows 机器,我想使用 Python 读取“你好”消息。从我的 Qt 代码中,我可以看到正在写入数据,但是,Windows 上的 Python 程序永远处于“等待数据”状态。windows机器确实可以ping通10.6.0.2。我究竟做错了什么?
UdpBroadcaster client; // Binds socket
sleep(10); // During this time , startup Python program
client.WriteData(); // Write hello message
Qt 输出:
Initializing UDP Socket
Determined ip address to be: ""
Successfully bound to: QHostAddress( "" ) Port: 5678
Sending UDP Datagram now!
Wrote this many bytes: 8
Message From: ""
With Port Number 5678
Message: "Hello!!!"
// Constructor
UdpBroadcaster::UdpBroadcaster(QObject *parent) :QObject(parent)
// Init socket
m_UdpSocket = new QUdpSocket(this);
// Figure out our ip address to broadcast on
QString ipAddress;
foreach (const QHostAddress &address, QNetworkInterface::allAddresses()) {
if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && address != QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost))
if ( address.toString().contains("10.") ) {
ipAddress = address.toString();
qDebug() << "Determined ip address to be: " << ipAddress;
// Bind to localhost
m_Port = 5678;
m_AddressToUse = QHostAddress(ipAddress);
bool didBind = m_UdpSocket->bind(m_AddressToUse,m_Port);
if ( !didBind ) {
qDebug() << "Error! Cannot bind to: " << m_AddressToUse << " Port: " << m_Port;
else {
qDebug() << "Successfully bound to: " << m_AddressToUse << " Port: " << m_Port;
// Connect the ready read socket
// Write data to socket
void UdpBroadcaster::WriteData() {
// Debug
qDebug() << "Sending UDP Datagram now!";
// Construct a message to send
QByteArray msg;
qint64 numberOfBytesWritten = m_UdpSocket->writeDatagram(msg,m_AddressToUse,m_Port);
if ( numberOfBytesWritten == -1 ) {
qDebug() << "Error! Could not write data to socket...";
else {
qDebug() << "Wrote this many bytes: " << numberOfBytesWritten;
// Do this when a datagram is available
void UdpBroadcaster::readReady() {
// Buffer to receive data
QByteArray buffer;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 port;
qDebug()<<"Message From: " << sender.toString();
qDebug()<<"With Port Number " << port;
qDebug()<<"Message: " << buffer;
import socket
import time
def main():
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 5678
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
cnt = 0
while cnt < 10:
print "Waiting for data"
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
print "received message:", data
cnt = cnt + 1
## Wait so we don't lose our terminal
filename = raw_input()
if __name__ == '__main__':