我使用 wait.for 库来摆脱一些异步调用。我这样做是因为我不太关心让我的服务器高效运行或其他任何事情,我正在使用 node.js 使用 Natural NLP npm 模块进行一些数据处理。

无论如何,我递归地构建一棵树并为每个节点请求一篇维基百科文章。该维基百科请求是异步的,我试图通过调用 wait.for(...) 使其同步。如果递归调用仅在一次激活后结束,则请求可以正常工作,但如果递归继续进行,则会引发错误。


 /  | \
[] [] [] <--- This level is fine ... No Errors
[]       <--- Error Here, on level 2


/Users/me/Documents/Node Projects/Personal Website/node_modules/wait.for/waitfor.js:37
                                fiber.run();   //resume fiber after "yield"
TypeError: Cannot call method 'toString' of undefined
    at TfIdf.tfidf (/Users/me/Documents/Node Projects/Personal Website/node_modules/natural/lib/natural/tfidf/tfidf.js:132:42)
    at isIrrelevant (/Users/me/Documents/Node Projects/Personal Website/finalproject/wikitree.js:126:47)


var WikiTree = function(node) {
    this.name    = node.name;
    this.context = node.context;
    this.text    = node.article;

    if (node.children) {
        this.children = node.children;

    function createArticleSummary(article) {
        // TODO: Must Implement
        return article;

    function isIrrelevant(article, title, linkText) {
        // Tweak Here
        var articleTfIdf = new TfIdf();

        var titleRelevanceToArticle = articleTfIdf.tfidf(title,0); // ERROR HERE: This is wikitree.js:126
        var textRelevanceToArticle = articleTfIdf.tfidf(linkText,0);

        var titleRelevanceToZen = zenTfidf.tfidf(title,0);
        var textRelevanceToZen = zenTfidf.tfidf(linkText,0);

        return ( titleRelevanceToZen / titleRelevanceToArticle >= 1 ) || ( textRelevanceToZen / textRelevanceToArticle >= 1 );


    WikiTree.prototype.searchChild = function(child) {
        console.log("Searching for Link Title \"" + child.title + "\" And Link Text \"" + child.linkText + "\"");

        var childQuery = {
            query : child.title,
            format : "html",
            summaryOnly : false

        var childArticle = wait.for(wikipedia.searchArticle, childQuery);
        console.log("Got Wikipedia Response for " + child.title);

        var childWikiLinks = extractLinkedWikis(childArticle);

        console.log("Found " + childWikiLinks.length + " Links for " + child.title);
        for (var i = childWikiLinks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if ( LinkTrie.contains(childWikiLinks[i].title) || LinkTrie.contains(childWikiLinks[i].linkText) ) {
            } else if ( isIrrelevant( childWikiLinks[i] ) ) {
            } else {
                LinkTrie.addStrings([ childWikiLinks[i].title, childWikiLinks[i].text ]);

        console.log("After pruning, " + childWikiLinks.length + " Links left for " + child.title);

        var newChildWT = new WikiTree({
            name : child.title,
            context : child.linkText,
            article : childArticle,
            children : createArticleSummary(childWikiLinks)

        return newChildWT;


    WikiTree.prototype.descend = function() {
        // Descend to the next level ... Meaning find the children of the current children (If there are any)
        if (!this.children) {
            console.log("Leaf at " + this.name);

        for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if ( this.children[i].title.match(/Category:/) ) {
                console.log("Found 'Category:' at " + i + " in " + this.children[i].title);
            } else
                this.children[i] = this.searchChild(this.children[i]);
        console.log("Done With Descend For " + this.name);


var result = ...; // A String
var zenLinks = ...; // An Array of objects
// Actually make the first recursive call here
var zenTree = new WikiTree({
    name : 'Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance',
    article : result,
    children : zenLinks

无论如何,任何帮助将不胜感激。谷歌搜索这个问题并没有太多帮助,所以任何有过 wait.for 或节点光纤经验的人都可以极大地帮助我。


1 回答 1



var childArticle = wait.forMethod(wikipedia, 'searchArticle', childQuery);

于 2014-07-13T16:31:50.470 回答