I have a servlet that is defined in web.xml as (load-on-startup)1(/load-on-startup), because I want to initialise some stuff while starting tomcat to conserve request time. In MyEclipse 2014 pro, when I start tomcat 8.0.3, it actually initialises that servlet. In fedora 17 x64 (from DigitalOcean.com) when I start tomcat using: "service tomcat start" it just starts the basic tomcat and it does not actually initialise that servlet. Is there a special command MyEclipse executes to handle that? What command do I have to enter in fedora so that it actuallyinitialises my web.xml while it starts tomcat?

Thank you


1 回答 1


我已经在我的 AMD 本地部署了应用程序,然后我使用 WinSCP 将 tomcat/webapps/ROOT/* 的内容复制/粘贴到 DigitalOcean 中的服务器

于 2014-04-28T18:32:45.317 回答