Is there a publically available List or a database that has geo-coordinates to Postal/Zip Code mapping ?
5 回答
You can use Google Maps API for reverse geocoding. Check this out Google Maps Reverse Geocoding and a working sample.
Also you can check out earlier questions: How to convert Latitude and longitude to Location name
For what country? Some countries have publically available databases but most don't.
Commercial databases often carries a hefty price and an unfriendly license. There are efforts underway by OpenStreeMap and FreeThePostCode (UK) that you might want to check out for more information.
Wikiepedia also has a pretty good article on postal codes in general with lots of information.
This page at talks about a zip code database for the US that was produced in 1999 by the Census Bureau (rendering it public domain according to US-laws). A lot has happened since 1999 though but it may be worth a look.
There's nothing free for commercial use -- not even Bing, Yahoo, or Google. See my answer on this other post:
How to let users choose their town, so my app can know coordinates
Depends where you are in the world... For the united states, I believe the information is available without restriction. In the UK, you can license the "Postal Address File" from the Royal Mail, but it's expensive.
I found someone selling the Zip Code database here:
But you need to be aware that the information changes over time - as new properties are built...
If you have money and you want to pay for it Navteq and TeleAtlas will also sell you the data. They cover quite a bit of the globe but not all of it. There also might be the data in Open Street Map (OSM). I would reccomend looking there first.