我对 Project Server 开发相当陌生,想知道需要对以下代码进行哪些修改,我必须让它一次更新多个自定义字段。我已经完成了所有工作,直到我想开始更新多个自定义字段。我浏览了许多教程,但没有找到适用于此问题的解决方案。我整理的当前程序仅导致更新第一个 ForEach cfValueWOD 自定义字段。如果它们已经有一个值,我可以获得更新多个字段的代码,但是对于我的项目,这些自定义字段可以有一个初始值或没有值开始。在这两种情况下,我都需要将值写入这些字段。我需要很快为工作中的一个项目完成这个,我很茫然。您的帮助将不胜感激。我目前的代码如下:

    static void WriteCustomFields()
        //Guids for custom fields to update - Test
        string cfNameWOD = "WO Description"; //Test WO Description custom field
        string cfValueWOD = "xxxx5WODes";
        Guid cfIdWOD = new Guid("{8071365c-1375-46a1-9424-cd79f3c2b0db}");

        string cfNameWG = "Work Group"; //Test Work Group custom field
        string cfValueWG = "xxxx5Group";
        Guid cfIdWG = new Guid("{f75c6cfb-b7cb-4d35-8b04-60efb12fcd39}");                

        //projects into a dataset
        ProjectDataSet projectList = projectSvc.ReadProjectList();

        //read project data
        Guid myProjectUid = new Guid("{c96bd7ea-e9d2-47ed-8819-02e4653e92a7}");
        ProjectDataSet myProject = projectSvc.ReadProject(myProjectUid, DataStoreEnum.WorkingStore);

        //indicate the custom field has been found
       bool customFieldFound = false;

        //iterate over fields and update them to the table for WO Status
        foreach (ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow cfRow in myProject.ProjectCustomFields)
            //if field exists update it
            if (cfRow.MD_PROP_UID == cfIdWOD)
                //update the value
                cfRow.TEXT_VALUE = cfValueWOD;
                customFieldFound = true;

        //check if the custom field has been found
        if (!customFieldFound)
            //create a new row
            ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow cfRowWOD =

            //Sets all values to NUll to begin

            //General parameters
            cfRowWOD.MD_PROP_UID = cfIdWOD; //custom field ID
            cfRowWOD.CUSTOM_FIELD_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
            cfRowWOD.PROJ_UID = myProjectUid; //current project ID

            //add value
            cfRowWOD.FIELD_TYPE_ENUM = 21;
            cfRowWOD.TEXT_VALUE = Convert.ToString(cfValueWOD); //test value

            //add the row to the data set

        //iterate over fields and update them to the table for WO Status
        foreach (ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow cfRow in myProject.ProjectCustomFields)
            //if field exists update it
            if (cfRow.MD_PROP_UID == cfIdWG)
                //update the value
                cfRow.TEXT_VALUE = cfValueWG;
                customFieldFound = true;

        //check if the custom field has been found
        if (!customFieldFound)
            //create a new row
            ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow cfRowWG =

            //Sets all values to NUll to begin

            //General parameters
            cfRowWG.MD_PROP_UID = cfIdWG; //custom field ID
            cfRowWG.CUSTOM_FIELD_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
            cfRowWG.PROJ_UID = myProjectUid; //current project ID

            //add value
            cfRowWG.FIELD_TYPE_ENUM = 21;
            cfRowWG.TEXT_VALUE = Convert.ToString(cfValueWG); //test value

            //add the row to the data set

        //generate sessionId for tracking
        Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); //sessionId for updating process
        Guid jobId = Guid.NewGuid(); //ID for each job

        //check out project
        projectSvc.CheckOutProject(myProjectUid, sessionId,
            "update checkout");

        //update project database
        bool validateOnly = false;
        projectSvc.QueueUpdateProject(jobId, sessionId,
            myProject, validateOnly);

        //wait to finish

        //new jobId to check in the project
        jobId = Guid.NewGuid();

        //check in the updated project
        bool force = false;
        string sessionDescription = "update custom fields";
        projectSvc.QueueCheckInProject(jobId, myProjectUid,
            force, sessionId, sessionDescription);

        //wait to finish

        //new jobId to publish the project
        jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
        bool fullPublish = true;
        projectSvc.QueuePublish(jobId, myProjectUid, fullPublish, null);

        //wait to finish


1 回答 1


据我了解,您正在更新项目自定义字段。更新自定义字段只不过是更新项目。为此,首先您必须签出一个项目,更新自定义字段,然后调用 Queue 发布方法来保存并发布它。



例子 :

read project Guid dynamically.
Loop in thru the project Guid's, then
Get Custom field Dataset.
Read custom field dataset.
compare custom fields guids, pick the custom field values based on Project Guid and Custom Field Guid.
Set the value and finally update it.
于 2015-03-13T11:55:36.790 回答