When I create a RoboVM Eclipse project, Eclipse gives me an exception:
The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in org.robovm.eclipse.ui was unable to load class org.robovm.eclipse.internal.NewCocoaTouchProjectWizard.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui
Likewise, I get this message when I try to go to "Settings" > "RoboVM":
Unable to create the selected preference page.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui.
I have updated to Java 1.7. I am using Eclipse version 3.7.2 but I faced the same issue when I tried it with Kepler Service Release 2.
This issue is similar to robovm plugin wont work but the responses there didin't solve my issue, as I am already using the latest roboVM and JDK.