
["['Rectangle', 5.168961201501877, 8.210262828535669, 7.6720901126408005, 6.795994993742178, 'red']['Line', 5.782227784730914, 5.269086357947434, 8.69837296620776, 4.993742177722153, 'red']['Circle', 2.6491232154288933, -0.8552572601656006, 6.687547623119292, 3.1831671475247982, 'red']"]


def open_file(self,cmd):
    filename=input("What is the name of the file? ")
    File= open(filename,'r')
    file= File.readlines()


file.write(str(l)) 其中 l 是我创建的值列表的名称

我尝试使用 split() 我尝试使用 for 循环将字符串中的数据保存到一个列表中,我已经在网上搜索了几个小时以找到某种解释,但我找不到任何解释。


2 回答 2



如果它实际上是列表中的列表,则可以在另一个 for 循环中使用 for 循环来访问每个列表中的每个项目。

假设您的列表是对象 l。

l[0] = ['矩形',5.168961201501877,8.210262828535669,7.6720901126408005,6.795994993742178,'红色']

和 l[0][0] = '矩形'

for i in l:
    for x in i:


对于您提供的信息, readlines() 不一定有效,因为没有什么可以在文本中划定新行。您可以使用 for 循环将列表中的每个项目保存为一行,而不是将列表保存为转换后的字符串

for lne in l:

这会将列表中的每个项目写入文件的新行(取决于您的 python 版本,您可能必须使用 f.write(lne+'\n') 添加新行)。然后,当您打开文件并使用 readlines() 时,它会将每一行作为一个项目附加到列表中。

于 2014-04-25T00:38:24.877 回答

You are apparently having problem with reading data you have created before.

Your task seem to require

1) creating some geometry in an editor

2) serialize all the geometry to a file

and later on (after the program is restarted and all old memory content is gone:

3) load geometries from the file

4) recreated the content (geometries) in your program

In step 2 you did something and you seem to be surprised by that. My proposal would be to use some other serialization option. Python offers many of them, e.g.

  • pickle - quick and easy, but is not interoperable with other than Python programs
  • JSON - easy, but might require some coding for serialization and loading your custom objects

Sample solution using JSON serialization could go like this:

import json

class Geometry():
    def __init__(self, geotype="Geometry", color="blank", numbers=[]):
        self.geotype = geotype 
        self.color = color
        self.numbers = numbers

    def to_list(self):
        return [self.geotype, self.color, self.numbers]

    def from_list(self, lst):
        print "lst", lst
        self.geotype, self.color, self.numbers = lst
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{self.geotype}: {self.color}, {self.numbers}>".format(self=self)

def test_create_save_load_recreate():
    geoms = []
    rect = Geometry("Rectange", "red", [12.34, 45])

    line = Geometry("Line", "blue", [12.33, 11.33, 55.22, 22,41])

    # now serialize
    fname = "geom.data"
    with open(fname, "w") as f:
        geoms_lst = [geo.to_list() for geo in geoms]
        json.dump(geoms_lst, f)
    # "geom.data are closed noe
    del f
    del geoms
    del rect
    del line
    # after a while
    with open(fname, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    geoms = [Geometry().from_list(itm) for itm in data]
    print geoms
于 2014-04-25T01:09:51.200 回答