You are apparently having problem with reading data you have created before.
Your task seem to require
1) creating some geometry in an editor
2) serialize all the geometry to a file
and later on (after the program is restarted and all old memory content is gone:
3) load geometries from the file
4) recreated the content (geometries) in your program
In step 2 you did something and you seem to be surprised by that. My proposal would be to use some other serialization option. Python offers many of them, e.g.
- pickle - quick and easy, but is not interoperable with other than Python programs
- JSON - easy, but might require some coding for serialization and loading your custom objects
Sample solution using JSON serialization could go like this:
import json
class Geometry():
def __init__(self, geotype="Geometry", color="blank", numbers=[]):
self.geotype = geotype
self.color = color
self.numbers = numbers
def to_list(self):
return [self.geotype, self.color, self.numbers]
def from_list(self, lst):
print "lst", lst
self.geotype, self.color, self.numbers = lst
return self
def __repr__(self):
return "<{self.geotype}: {self.color}, {self.numbers}>".format(self=self)
def test_create_save_load_recreate():
geoms = []
rect = Geometry("Rectange", "red", [12.34, 45])
line = Geometry("Line", "blue", [12.33, 11.33, 55.22, 22,41])
# now serialize
fname = ""
with open(fname, "w") as f:
geoms_lst = [geo.to_list() for geo in geoms]
json.dump(geoms_lst, f)
# " are closed noe
del f
del geoms
del rect
del line
# after a while
with open(fname, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
geoms = [Geometry().from_list(itm) for itm in data]
print geoms