Does spring support authentication of signed requests? (like those provided by open social Signed authorization ,i.e open social makeRequest API)
if so, how do you configure it?
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Does spring support authentication of signed requests? (like those provided by open social Signed authorization ,i.e open social makeRequest API)
if so, how do you configure it?
Best Regards
基于Spring Security站点,它看起来不支持它。但是没有什么能阻止你实施它。您将必须实现自定义 AbstractProcessingFilter(就像 CAS CasProcessingFilter、登录表单 AuthenticationProcessingFilter 和 OpenId OpenIDAuthenticationProcessingFilter 有一个过滤器一样)。您可能还必须实现 AuthenticationProvider 并对其进行配置,如下所示:
<bean id="authenticationManager" class="">
<property name="providers">
<ref local="myAuthenticationProvider" />