是否有一个存储库,我可以在其中找到使用天气预报等功能的 Web 服务?
(我听说 UDDI 似乎已被弃用,但我无法确认)
是否有一个存储库,我可以在其中找到使用天气预报等功能的 Web 服务?
(我听说 UDDI 似乎已被弃用,但我无法确认)
@Bogdan - Apache jUDDI 项目实际上提出了两个实例:
To directly answer your question, yes UDDI does support this kind of query. Basically, you'd want to use a "Inquiry API" method "Find_service", passing in a CategoryBag/keyReference that matches a known pattern for weather services with some wildcards to help you get results. In addition, you'll need a find_qualifier for approximateMatch to enable the wildcards. Part of the issue is that UDDI allows registrants to use the spec in many different ways and thus this example assumes that there is in fact a standardized way to register and tag a service as providing weather information. It's up to the governance process of the organization hosting the uddi node.
"@JohnSaunders is right, nobody uses UDDI in the wild" - talk about a blanket statement. Perhaps you both meant "few people", but to say "nobody" without being able to prove it is silly.
"(I heard that UDDI seems to be deprecated, but I cannot confirm for that)". Widely used? probably not. Deprecated? Apache, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Oracle, and WS02 still sell or give away implementations of UDDI so I wouldn't exactly call it deprecated.
只有一个著名的公共 UDDI 注册中心(由 IBM、Microsoft 和 SAP 实施),但早已停止使用。如果您要找到一个公共注册中心,它可能只是为了演示目的而设置的(例如jUDDI demo)。
@JohnSaunders 是对的,没有人在野外使用 UDDI。公共存储库不实用,而私有存储库在大多数情况下是不必要的,它为简单问题提供了复杂的解决方案。
您应该找到(并评估)一些稳定的 Web 服务,并将它们的端点放在某种配置文件中。调用其中一项服务,如果失败,请使用您配置的其他服务。
另一方面,如果您坚持走 UDDI 路线,那么创建您自己的私有存储库并使用它,因为您找不到公共存储库(其他人 - 包括我在内 - 已经尝试并空手而归)。