I am having difficulties with spy++. I have visual studio 2010 so I don't know if there is a difference between the spy++ of 2010 and 2013 but w/e. So the issue is the following:

I am making a program (program 1) that will click on a button of another program (program 2). Now in order to do that I need to be able to identify the button somehow. I have managed to get the handle for the parent window of program 2 with the FindWindow() function. From there I used the EnumChildWindows() function to go through all the child windows. Now... the issue is the following, I need to find something to Identify my button with when I get to the window it is in.

Question:: How do I use spy++ to find the caption and other properties of a specific button? The finder tool in spy++ only clicks on windows and not buttons, so I have had a hard time finding anyyyy single thing about buttons with spy++.


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