在开发 DSL 时,限制隐式变量的范围并同时隐藏定义了此类隐式变量的事实的最简洁方法是什么?
object External
def funNeedingValue(implicit a : String)
object Main extends App
useValue("Hi") {
// Implicit string "Hi" is only defined in this block
External.funNeedingValue // Prints "Hi"
External.funNeedingValue // Compilation error: No implicit String defined
// The following works, but does not hide the fact that there is an implicit
// variable defined.
object Main extends App
implicit val implicitValue = "Hi"
External.funNeedingValue // Prints "Hi"
External.funNeedingValue // Compilation error: No implicit String defined
// The following hides that there is an implicit variable defined, but breaks
// the scoping requirement and destroys thread safety.
abstract class Parent
implicit var implicitValue = ""
def useValue(valueToMakeImplicit : String)(f : => Unit)
implicitValue = valueToMakeImplicit
class Child extends Parent
def go()
useValue("Hi") {
External.funNeedingValue // Prints "Hi"
External.funNeedingValue // Scoping issue: also prints "Hi"
object Main extends App
new Child().go()
// The following works, but is harder to read and still doesn't really
// hide the implicit value
object Main extends App
def useValue(valueToMakeImplicit : String)(f : String => Unit)
useValue("Hi") {
implicit value : String => {
External.funNeedingValue // Prints "Hi"
External.funNeedingValue // Compilation error: No implicit String defined