// The following code covered under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.
static {
String libName = System.getProperty("jnativehook.lib.name", "JNativeHook");
try {
// Try to load the native library assuming the java.library.path was
// set correctly at launch.
catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError linkError) {
// Get the package name for the GlobalScreen.
String basePackage = GlobalScreen.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/');
// Compile the resource path for the native lib.
StringBuilder libResourcePath = new StringBuilder("/");
// Get what the system "thinks" the library name should be.
String libNativeName = System.mapLibraryName(libName);
// Hack for OS X JRE 1.6 and earlier.
libNativeName = libNativeName.replaceAll("\\.jnilib$", "\\.dylib");
// Slice up the library name.
int i = libNativeName.lastIndexOf('.');
String libNativePrefix = libNativeName.substring(0, i) + '-';
String libNativeSuffix = libNativeName.substring(i);
String libNativeVersion = null;
// This may return null in some circumstances.
InputStream libInputStream = GlobalScreen.class.getResourceAsStream(libResourcePath.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.English) + libNativeName);
if (libInputStream != null) {
try {
// Try and load the Jar manifest as a resource stream.
URL jarFile = GlobalScreen.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
JarInputStream jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(jarFile.openStream());
// Try and extract a version string from the Manifest.
Manifest manifest = jarInputStream.getManifest();
if (manifest != null) {
Attributes attributes = manifest.getAttributes(basePackage);
if (attributes != null) {
String version = attributes.getValue("Specification-Version");
String revision = attributes.getValue("Implementation-Version");
libNativeVersion = version + '.' + revision;
else {
Logger.getLogger(GlobalScreen.class.getPackage().getName()).warning("Invalid library manifest!\n");
else {
Logger.getLogger(GlobalScreen.class.getPackage().getName()).warning("Cannot find library manifest!\n");
catch (IOException e) {
try {
// The temp file for this instance of the library.
File libFile;
// If we were unable to extract a library version from the manifest.
if (libNativeVersion != null) {
libFile = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), libNativePrefix + libNativeVersion + libNativeSuffix);
else {
libFile = File.createTempFile(libNativePrefix, libNativeSuffix);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4 * 1024];
int size;
// Check and see if a copy of the native lib already exists.
FileOutputStream libOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(libFile);
// Setup a digest...
MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
DigestInputStream digestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(libInputStream, sha1);
// Read from the digest stream and write to the file steam.
while ((size = digestInputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
libOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, size);
// Close all the streams.
// Convert the digest from byte[] to hex string.
String sha1Sum = new BigInteger(1, sha1.digest()).toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (libNativeVersion == null) {
// Use the sha1 sum as a version finger print.
libNativeVersion = sha1Sum;
// Better late than never.
File newFile = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), libNativePrefix + libNativeVersion + libNativeSuffix);
if (libFile.renameTo(newFile)) {
libFile = newFile;
// Set the library version property.
System.setProperty("jnativehook.lib.version", libNativeVersion);
// Load the native library.
.info("Library extracted successfully: " + libFile.getPath() + " (0x" + sha1Sum + ").\n");
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
else {
.severe("Unable to extract the native library " + libResourcePath.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.English) + libNativeName + "!\n");
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError();