Here's a test for fun with the ternary operator:

public int so( final int a ) {
    int r = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
    r += a == 2 ? 1 : 0;
    return r;

Here's the bytecode produced:

public int doIt(int);
   0:   invokestatic    #2; //Method java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis:()J
   3:   l2i
   4:   istore_2
   5:   iload_2
   6:   iload_1
   7:   iconst_2
   8:   if_icmpne       15
   11:  iconst_1
   12:  goto    16
   15:  iconst_0
   16:  iadd
   17:  istore_2
   18:  iload_2
   19:  ireturn

I was a bit surprised to see that it didn't remove the 'else' case for the '+ 0'. I was more expecting this:

public int doIt(int);
   0:   invokestatic    #2; //Method java/lang/System.currentTimeMillis:()J
   3:   l2i
   4:   istore_2
   5:   iload_1
   6:   iconst_2
   7:   if_icmpne       13
   10:  iinc    2, 1
   13:  iload_2
   14:  ireturn

So here comes my question: does the specs mandates the:

goto ...

sequence because I used the ternary operator, or is this just a compiler thinggy?

Obviously this question is not about the relevancy of writing 'r += ... ? 1 : 0'. But I'm surprised because in other cases the compiler does quite some optimization while here it's not doing any optimization.

Would a Java compiler producing option 2 still be a valid Java compiler (in case I didn't screw my example, but the point is: there's a needless addition of 0 and a needless goto in the code produced, would a compiler removing this still be a valid .java compiler)?


2 回答 2


要记住的一件事是javac(Java 源代码到字节码编译器)不是优化编译器。事实上,它的代码生成相对简单,并且只生成任何给定源代码的最直接的字节码实现。

这完全是设计使然。这样,负责所有实际优化的 JVM 拥有最大数量的可用信息,可作为其决策的基础。在这种特殊情况下,这些信息如何使 JIT 编译器受益可能并不明显,但由于 HotSpot 进行优化的性质,每一点信息都可以提供帮助。


于 2010-02-23T11:43:40.177 回答

Sun 的 Javac 本身没有做任何优化,因为它们留给了 HotSpot VM。因此它产生了第一个字节码。


如果没有 JIT 的 VM(例如 Android 设备)需要这种优化,可以使用 Proguard 等工具在字节码级别进行优化。

于 2010-02-23T11:41:50.250 回答