我有一个很大的定制配置文件,我需要每周提取一次数据。这是一个“内部”配置文件,不符合任何已知标准,如 INI 等。

我快速而肮脏的方法是使用 re 搜索我想要的节标题,然后在此标题下提取我想要的一两行信息。这被证明是一个相当大的挑战,我认为必须有一种更简单/更可靠的方法来做到这一点,但我一直认为我需要实现一个完整的解析器来解析这个文件,然后只提取 5 行我需要的数据。


Registry com.name.version =
Registry "unique-name I search for using re" =
    String name = "modulename";
    String timestamp = "not specified";
    String java = "not specified";
    String user = "not specified";
    String host = "not specified";
    String system = "not specified";
    String version = "This I want";
    String "version-major" = "not specified";
    String "version-minor" = "not specified";
    String scm = "not specified";
    String scmrevision = "not specified";
    String mode = "release";
    String teamCityBuildNumber = "not specified";

4 回答 4


使用 pyparsing 的简单解析器可以为您提供类似于反序列化器的东西,它可以让您通过键名(如在 dict 中)或作为属性访问字段。这是解析器:

from pyparsing import (Suppress,quotedString,removeQuotes,Word,alphas,
        alphanums, printables,delimitedList,Group,Dict,ZeroOrMore,OneOrMore)

# define punctuation and constants - suppress from parsed output
EQ,SEMI = map(Suppress,"=;")
REGISTRY = Suppress("Registry")
STRING = Suppress("String")

# define some basic building blocks
ident = quotedString | Word(printables)
value = quotedString
java_path = delimitedList(Word(alphas,alphanums+"_"), '.', combine=True)

# define the config file sections
string_defn = Group(STRING + ident + EQ + value + SEMI)
registry_section = Group(REGISTRY + ident + EQ + Dict(ZeroOrMore(string_defn)))

# special definition for leading java module
java_module = REGISTRY + java_path("path") + EQ

# define the overall config file format
config = java_module("java") + Dict(OneOrMore(registry_section))

这是使用您的数据进行的测试(从您的数据文件读取到 config_source):

data = config.parseString(config_source)
print data.dump()
print data["unique-name I search for using re"].version
print data["unique-name I search for using re"].mode
print data["unique-name I search for using re"]["version-major"]


['com.name.version', ['unique-name I search for using re', ...
- java: ['com.name.version']
  - path: com.name.version
- path: com.name.version
- unique-name I search for using re: [['name', 'modulename'], ...
  - host: not specified
  - java: not specified
  - mode: release
  - name: modulename
  - scm: not specified
  - scmrevision: not specified
  - system: not specified
  - teamCityBuildNumber: not specified
  - timestamp: not specified
  - user: not specified
  - version: This I want
  - version-major: not specified
  - version-minor: not specified
This I want
not specified
于 2010-02-23T16:05:36.280 回答


>> s = ''' ... ''' # as above
>> t = re.search( 'Registry "unique-name" =(.*?)\n;', s, re.S ).group( 1 )
>> u = re.findall( '^\s*(\w+) "?(.*?)"? = "(.*?)";\s*$', t, re.M )
>> for x in u:
       print( x )

('String', 'name', 'modulename')
('String', 'timestamp', 'not specified')
('String', 'java', 'not specified')
('String', 'user', 'not specified')
('String', 'host', 'not specified')
('String', 'system', 'not specified')
('String', 'version', 'This I want')
('String', 'version-major', 'not specified')
('String', 'version-minor', 'not specified')
('String', 'scm', 'not specified')
('String', 'scmrevision', 'not specified')
('String', 'mode', 'release')


t = re.search( 'Registry "unique-name"\s*=\s*((?:\s*\w+ "?[^"=]+"?\s*=\s*"[^"]*?";\s*)+)\s*;', s ).group( 1 )
u = re.findall( '^\s*(\w+) "?([^"=]+)"?\s*=\s*"([^"]*?)";\s*$', t, re.M )
于 2010-02-23T10:02:55.100 回答


在您的情况下,搜索r'unique-name I search for using re"\s*=\s*',然后在匹配后剪切。r'\n\s*;\s*\n'然后在匹配之前搜索并切入。这为您留下了可以使用另一个正则表达式砍掉的值。

于 2010-02-23T09:49:09.173 回答



import re

re_section = re.compile('Registry (.*)=', re.IGNORECASE)
re_value = re.compile('\s+String\s+(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*);')

txt = '''
Registry com.name.version =
Registry "unique-name I search for using re" =
        String name = "modulename";
        String timestamp = "not specified";
        String java = "not specified";
        String user = "not specified";
        String host = "not specified";
        String system = "not specified";
        String version = "This I want";
        String "version-major" = "not specified";
        String "version-minor" = "not specified";
        String scm = "not specified";
        String scmrevision = "not specified";
        String mode = "release";
        String teamCityBuildNumber = "not specified";

my_config = {}
section = ''
lines = txt.split('\n')
for l in lines:
    rx = re_section.search(l)
    if rx:
        section = rx.group(1)
        section = section.strip('" ')
    rx = re_value.search(l)
    if rx:
        (k, v) = (rx.group(1).strip('" '), rx.group(2).strip('" '))
            my_config[section][k] = v
        except KeyError:
            my_config[section] = {k: v}


print my_config["unique-name I search for using re"]['version']


This I want
于 2010-02-23T10:12:52.990 回答