我正在使用 Android 4.4 并在找到具有指定区域的信标时在 Monitoring 的回调中收到警告消息。


public void onIBeaconServiceConnect() {

    iBeaconManager.setMonitorNotifier(new MonitorNotifier() {
        public void didEnterRegion(Region region) {
          Log.e("didEnterRegion","I just saw an iBeacon for the first time!");       

        public void didExitRegion(Region region) {
            Log.e("didExitRegion","I no longer see an iBeacon");

        public void didDetermineStateForRegion(int state, Region region) {
            Log.e("didDetermineStateForRegion","I have just switched from seeing/not seeing iBeacons: "+state);   

            if(state == MonitorNotifier.INSIDE){
                try {
                    //Start Ranging in the Region.
                } catch (RemoteException e) { 

            else if(state == MonitorNotifier.OUTSIDE){
                try {
                    //Stop Ranging in the Region.
                } catch (RemoteException e) { 


        try {
            //Start Monitoring in the Region.
        } catch (RemoteException e) { 

我在 logcat 中找到的警告消息是

04-19 14:32:08.156: D/BluetoothAdapter(10564): startLeScan(): null 
04-19 14:32:08.166: D/BluetoothAdapter(10564): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5 
04-19 14:32:08.176: D/IBeaconService(10564): Scan started 
04-19 14:32:08.186: D/IBeaconManager(10564): Got a ranging callback 
04-19 14:32:08.186: D/IBeaconManager(10564): Got a ranging callback with 0 iBeacons 
04-19 14:32:08.186: D/IBeaconManager(10564): Calling ranging notifier on :com.example.ranging.BackgroundRanging$4@4226f1e8 
04-19 14:32:08.787: D/BluetoothAdapter(10564): onScanResult() - Device=4A:92:06:A9:FA:87 RSSI=-52 
04-19 14:32:08.787: D/IBeaconService(10564): got record 
04-19 14:32:08.797: D/IBeacon(10564): calculating accuracy based on rssi of -52.0 
04-19 14:32:08.797: D/IBeaconService(10564): iBeacon detected :128f4e13-01ef-4618-bffa-50fed67f24aa 1001 3003 accuracy: 0.47659904336004005 proximity: 1 
04-19 14:32:08.797: D/Callback(10564): attempting callback via intent: com.example.service.DID_MONITORING 
04-19 14:32:08.807: W/ContextImpl(10564): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.example.service.DID_MONITORING (has extras) } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.Callback.call:85 com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService.processIBeaconFromScan:438  
04-19 14:32:08.817: D/IBeaconService(10564): looking for ranging region matches for this ibeacon 
04-19 14:32:08.817: D/IBeaconService(10564): matches ranging region: proximityUuid: 128f4e13-01ef-4618-bffa-50fed67f24aa major: null minor:null 
04-19 14:32:09.257: D/IBeaconService(10564): Done with scan cycle 
04-19 14:32:09.257: D/IBeaconService(10564): Calling ranging callback with 1 iBeacons 
04-19 14:32:09.257: D/Callback(10564): attempting callback via messenger 
04-19 14:32:09.257: D/IBeaconService(10564): Restarting scan.  Unique beacons seen last cycle: 1 
04-19 14:32:09.257: D/BluetoothAdapter(10564): stopLeScan() 

1 回答 1


过时版本的 Android iBeacon 库(0.7 或更早版本)会出现此警告。最新版本是0.7.6,不会有这个警告。简单的解决方案是简单地升级到此处提供的最新版本的库

该警告与 iBeacon 数据在库的后台服务和您的应用程序之间传递的方式有关。该库的早期版本使用“隐式意图”来传递此信息,如果手机上同时使用该库的两个应用程序,理论上可能会导致 iBeacon 数据发送到错误的应用程序。出于开发目的,这并不重要,但如果在生产应用程序中使用它,您应该使用最新的库版本。

于 2014-04-19T17:35:07.847 回答