此方法应该接受一个字符串并将字符串输出为字符,但它应该是两倍大小。示例:字符串为 "PaRty" 返回应为 'P', 'P', 'a', 'a', 'R', 'R', 't', 't', 'Y', 'Y'
对于我的代码,当我运行测试时,它说数组在元素 [];expected: 处不同,但是:
//Implementing the second method: toExpandedArray, which works with
//a string and then returns chars of that string.
public static char[] toExpandedArray(String string)
//Initializing variable needed to char the string
char[] charArray = new char[string.length() * 2];
//The loop that will turn the string into characters.
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
charArray[i] = string.charAt(i) ;
charArray[i+1] = charArray[i];
//Returning the characters as an array.
return charArray;