首先,我想比这个社区更慷慨地帮助那些刚刚学习编程的人,我请求你多多包涵。这是我正在使用的文件: DNA测序程序
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String ind
ex out of range: 14
at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:658)
at DNA.gap_score(run_dna.java:64)
at DNA.dna_ini(run_dna.java:37)
at DNA.<init>(run_dna.java:17)
at run_dna.main(run_dna.java:243)
class DNA //implements Score_card
private int row = 10;// initialize number of rows for the matrix
private int column = 10;//initialize number of columns for the matrix
private int opt_number = 0;//the placeholder for the number of matches in the optimal alignment
private String DNA1 = DNA_gen(row);// initialize a String that is the length() of row
private String DNA2 = DNA_gen(column);//initialize a String of length() column
private int[][] dnamat = dna_ini();//initialize the DNA matrix
private char[][] mat_hold = new char[row][column];
private String DNA_seq1 = null;//create and empty String to be used in the matrix building/sequencing program
private String DNA_seq2 = null;// ditto
private String DNA_align = null;//create a String to hold the vertical alignment lines
public int[][] dna_ini()
//initializes the array, taking into account the possibility of and advanced gap scoring algorithm
String a = DNA1;
String b = DNA2;
int[][] ini = new int[a.length()+1][b.length()+1];//initialize the size of the array to be the length()s of the String plus one
for(int j = 0;j < (a.length()+1); j++) /*for loop to run through value of j limited by size of the array*/
ini[j][0] = gap_score(j,0,a,b);//utilize the gap score to initialize the first row
}//end for loop
for(int i = 0; i < (b.length() + 1);i++)//same as above
ini[0][i]= gap_score(0,i,a,b);//same as above
}//end for loop
return ini;
}//end dna ini
public int score(int a, int b, String i, String j)
String dna1 = i;//Strings passed
String dna2 = j;
int a1 = a;//integers passed
int b1 = b;
int score = 0;//holds score
if(i.charAt(a1) == j.charAt(b1))//if the two values in the two Strings are equivalent to one another
score = 1;// score is equal to one
return score;//return the score
}// end score
public int gap_score(int a, int b,String k, String l)
int penscore = 0;
if(k.charAt(a) != l.charAt(b))
return penscore;
return penscore;
public int mismatch(int a, int b,String i,String j)
String dna1 = i;//Strings passed
String dna2 = j;
int a1 = a;//integers passed
int b1 = b;
int score = 0;//holds score
if(i.charAt(a1) != dna2.charAt(b1))//if the two values in the two Strings are equivalent to one another
score = 0;// score is equal to one
return score;//return the score
}// end score
public static String DNA_gen(int n)// takes an int to determine length() of String returned
char[] S = new char[n]; //and array of character S equals a new array of characters of size n ( parameter passed to the method
String DNAgenchar = "AGCT";//String holds all of the possible nucleotides found in a DNA sequence
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)// for new variable i such that i equals 0, i is less than the length() desired, i is incremented
int r = (int)(Math.random()*4);// given variable r is equal to a random number between 0-3
S[i] = DNAgenchar.charAt(r);// for a given index ( as the array is cycled through) the random number generated
//is the index of the String from which a character is pulled and added to the array
S[0] = ' ';// add a space to the beginning of the array
String DNAgened = null;// initialize a String to be returned
DNAgened += S; // convert S into a String for return
return DNAgened;//return the String
public void Matrix_fill()
String dna1 = DNA1;//initialize a variable to point to the dna String
String dna2 = DNA2;
int maxint = 0;// set the maxint integer to 0 for initialization
int [][] matrix = dnamat;//initialize a matrix that points to the main one
for(int j = 1; j < dna1.length()+1; j++)
for(int i = 1; i < dna2.length()+1; i++)//cycle through the matrix
int diag = dnamat[j-1][i-1] + score((i-1),(j-1),dna1,dna2) + mismatch((i-1),(j-1),dna1,dna2);//diagonal value
int left = dnamat[j-1][i] + gap_score((j-1),i,dna1,dna2);//left value
int top = dnamat[j][i-1] + gap_score(j,(i-1), dna1, dna2);//top value
maxint = Math.max(Math.max(diag,left),top);//gets the maxintimum value of the three numbers
if(maxint == diag)//series of if statements to add to the String containing the directions taken by the matrix in the program
mat_hold[j][i] = 'd';
dnamat[j][i] = maxint;// if the number is taken from the diagonal
else if(maxint == left)
mat_hold[j][i] = 'l';
dnamat[j][i] = maxint;
else if(maxint == top)
mat_hold[j][i] = 't';
dnamat[j][i] = maxint;
}//end for loop
}//end outer for loop
opt_number = matrix[dna1.length() + 1][dna2.length() + 1];// set the optimum number variable to the last place in the array, containing the number of matches in the optimum configuration
}//ends matrix fill
public void backtrack()
char d = 'd';//initialize a series of characters to represent looked for directions
char l = 'l';
char t = 't';
char temp = ' ';//not sure why i put this here
String j = DNA1;// create two Strings to be used for indexing purposes
String k = DNA2;
int e = k.length();//goes to the last row
int x = j.length();//goes to the last column
char[][] mat_hold2 = mat_hold;
char opt_path = mat_hold[x][e];//initialize the beginning of the path to be last element in the array
while(opt_path != mat_hold2[0][0])//while the current index does not equal the first element in the array
if(opt_path == d)// if the element in d was obtained from the diagonal
DNA_seq1 = j.charAt(x) + DNA_seq1;//using the matrix location [x][e]take the element from the DNA sequence and insert it into the front of the array we are building
DNA_seq2 = k.charAt(e) + DNA_seq2;//ditto
DNA_align = "|" + DNA_align;
mat_hold[x][e] = mat_hold[x-1][e-1];//since they are the same in this case, insert a line to connect them
opt_path = mat_hold[x][e];//set the opt path to the diagonal value to be searched
}//since in this case it was taken from the diagonal, that means both letters were the same and so both letters at the given
//indexes are inserted into the newly constructed sequence
else if(opt_path == l)
DNA_seq1 = "_" + DNA_seq1;
DNA_seq2 = k.charAt(e) + DNA_seq2;
DNA_align = " " + DNA_align;
mat_hold[x][e] = mat_hold[x][e-1];
opt_path = mat_hold[x][e];
else if(opt_path == t)
DNA_seq1 = j.charAt(x) + DNA_seq1;
DNA_seq2= "_" + DNA_seq2;
DNA_align = " " + DNA_align;
mat_hold[x][e] = mat_hold[x-1][e];
opt_path = mat_hold[x][e];
}//end while
}//end backtrack
public void run_DNA_seqs()
}//end class DNA
class adv_score extends DNA
public int score(int a, int b, String i, String j)
String dna1 = i;//Strings passed
String dna2 = j;
int a1 = a;//integers passed
int b1 = b;
int score = 0;//holds score
if(i.charAt(a1) == j.charAt(b1))//if the two values in the two Strings are equivalent to one another
score = 2;// score is equal to one
return score;//return the score
}// end score
public int mismatch(int a, int b,String i,String j)
String dna1 = i;//Strings passed
String dna2 = j;
int a1 = a;//integers passed
int b1 = b;
int score = 0;//holds score
if(i.charAt(a1) != j.charAt(b1))//if the two values in the two Strings are equivalent to one another
score = -1;// score is equal to one
return score;//return the score
}// end score
class adv_gap extends DNA
public int gap_score(int a, int b,String k, String l)
int penscore = -2;
if(k.charAt(a) != l.charAt(b))
return penscore;
penscore = 0;
return penscore;
public class run_dna
public static void main(String[] args)
DNA dna1 = new DNA();
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10
at DNA.Matrix_fill(run_dna.java:136)
at DNA.run_DNA_seqs(run_dna.java:194)
at run_dna.main(run_dna.java:249)
我查看了代码,由于某种原因,当它将一个字符分配给 char[][] 数组 mat_hold 中的一个点时,它抛出了另一个异常错误,这次是 10(恰好是数组的大小10x10)