I am an new Apple Developer, I am using the Apple Enterprise Program. I looking for a way to send my App for testing some iPhone/iPad, the problem they are not in the Provisioning Profile.

I know there is a way, I had a Company they sent me on the same way so I can download the app from they server on my iPads without to sending my UDID. How is this Possible? Can you help me?

I don't know how its work.

I created a Ad Hoc Certificate, I created a App ID I created a Ad Hoc Provisions Profile.

but I can only Install the App on iPads/iPhones where in my Device List.

Can you help me? like a Tutorial or tell me whats wrong?


2 回答 2


您将需要使用通过您的企业帐户创建的 InHouse 配置文件。AdHoc 需要一个 UDID,因此您不能使用它。

但请注意,有关使用 InHouse 配置文件的一些严格规则,您需要确保下载受到保护,以便不是每个人都可以下载它。

于 2014-04-16T09:41:58.950 回答

我认为你应该去 TestFlight, 看看

存档您的应用程序,选择“提交企业或临时部署”选项,从列表中选择您的分发配置文件并将其上传到 testflight,您的客户可以直接从那里下载并安装它。它非常简单

希望这可以帮助 :)

于 2014-04-16T09:43:44.673 回答