由于 django admin 在它的 auth 中具有三个权限:添加、更改、删除!我想在管理面板的此身份验证中添加查看权限。我知道我必须自定义权限才能在“身份验证|权限|可以查看权限”中添加查看权限以查看所有条目!
[X] 1. 在默认权限列表中添加“查看”
def _get_all_permissions(opts):
"Returns (codename, name) for all permissions in the given opts."
perms = []
for action in ('add', 'change', 'delete', 'view'):
perms.append((_get_permission_codename(action, opts), u'Can %s %s' % (action, opts.verbose_name_raw)))
return perms + list(opts.permissions)
[X] 2. 测试 'view' 权限被添加到所有模型
run manage.py syncdb
我确认现在为 auth_permissions 表中的所有表添加了查看权限
[X] 3. 将“get_view_permission”添加到默认模型类。
向模型类添加了 get_view_permission。您可以在文件 ./db/models/options.py 中找到它,这将在下一步中由管理类使用。
def get_view_permission(self):
return 'view_%s' % self.object_name.lower()
[X] 4. 将“has_view_permission”添加到默认管理类
# /contrib/admin/options.py
# Added has_view_permissions
def has_view_permission(self, request, obj=None):
Returns True if the given request has permission to change or view
the given Django model instance.
If obj is None, this should return True if the given request has
permission to change *any* object of the given type.
opts = self.opts
return self.has_change_permission(request, obj) or \
request.user.has_perm(opts.app_label + '.' + opts.get_view_permission())
# modified get_model_perms to include 'view' too.
# No idea where this may be used, but trying to stay consistent
def get_model_perms(self, request):
Returns a dict of all perms for this model. This dict has the keys
add, change, and delete and view mapping to the True/False
for each of those actions.
return {
'add': self.has_add_permission(request),
'change': self.has_change_permission(request),
'delete': self.has_delete_permission(request),
'view': self.has_view_permission(request),
# modified response_add function to return the user to the mode list
# if they added a unit and have view rights
self.message_user(request, msg)
# Figure out where to redirect. If the user has change permission,
# redirect to the change-list page for this object. Otherwise,
# redirect to the admin index.
#if self.has_change_permission(request, None):
if self.has_change_permission(request, None) or self.has_view_permission(request, None):
post_url = '../'
post_url = '../../../'
return HttpResponseRedirect(post_url)
# modified the change_view function so it becomes the details
# for users with view permission
#if not self.has_change_permission(request, obj):
if not (self.has_change_permission(request, obj) or (self.has_view_permission(request, obj) and not request.POST)):
raise PermissionDenied
# modified the changelist_view function so it shows the list of items
# if you have view permissions
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
"The 'change list' admin view for this model."
from django.contrib.admin.views.main import ChangeList, ERROR_FLAG
opts = self.model._meta
app_label = opts.app_label
#if not self.has_change_permission(request, None):
if not (self.has_change_permission(request, None) or self.has_view_permission(request, None)):
raise PermissionDenied
[X] 5. 如果用户有查看权限,则更新默认模板以列出模型
我修改了 contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html 中的默认模板。这也可以通过将文件复制到本地模板目录来处理。我对两者都进行了更改,因此如果以后的升级覆盖了我的更改,我会有一份副本。
{% for model in app.models %}
{% if model.perms.change %}
<th scope="row"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}">{{ model.name }}</a></th>
{% else %}
{% if model.perms.view %}
<th scope="row"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}">{{ model.name }}</a></th>
{% else %}
<th scope="row">{{ model.name }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
[X] 6. 确认用户可以“查看”但不能“更改”模型
发现 contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_modify.py 似乎可以控制是否出现保存/保存和继续按钮。将“保存”字段从默认的始终为真更改,以检查上下文和权限。如果他们有更改或添加权限,用户应该能够保存。
'show_save': (change and context['has_change_permission']) or (context['add'] and context['has_add_permission'])
[X] 7. 如果用户正在查看项目,请删除“保存并添加另一个”按钮
再次修改 contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_modify.py。我不知道“save_as”是什么意思,所以也许我弄坏了一些东西,但它似乎有效。
#'show_save_and_add_another': context['has_add_permission'] and
# not is_popup and (not save_as or context['add']) ,
'show_save_and_add_another': not is_popup and
(( change and context['has_change_permission']) or (context['add'] and context['has_add_permission']))
(not save_as or context['add']),
[X] 8.修改“查看”权限使表单只读
如果用户在没有“更改”的情况下拥有“查看”权限,则更改默认表单并将 DISABLED 或 READONLY 属性添加到表单元素。并非所有浏览器都支持这一点,但出于我的目的,我可以要求用户使用正确的浏览器。[禁用/只读示例][1]
{# JavaScript for prepopulated fields #}
{% prepopulated_fields_js %}
{% if has_view_permission and not has_change_permission %}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('input:text').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
jQuery('textarea').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
jQuery('input:checkbox').attr('disabled', true);
jQuery('select').attr('disabled', true);
{% endif %}
答案来源:<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1336382/how-can-i-modify-django-to-create-view-permission/1348076#1348076">如何修改 django 到创建“查看”权限?
问题:按照上述答案后,我已经完成并且可以将此 页面视为只读 **但是 users 中的用户不可见管理员/用户。需要帮忙!**