We have been running a infopath solution on SharePoint 2010 for a couple of years now. The form is rendered in the browser, but when the attachments are large in size (seems like a ~10MB limit for the form), the system would not allow the user to edit the form in the browser. Instead the browser pops up with a dialog say: "What to you want to do with [FILENAME].xml? Open | Save | Save as.

Forms less than 10MB renders perfectly in the browser

Are anyone able to clarify what is going on and how we can fix it?


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您将需要尝试增加 Web 应用的上传限制。另请查看您的 InfoPath Form Services 数据连接超时设置。目前将我的最大连接设置为 200,000 毫秒。

(中央管理员 --> 常规应用程序设置 --> 配置 InfoPath 表单服务)

如果这不起作用,您将需要增加 IIS 限制。

涵盖这些主题的博客文章:http: //angler.wordpress.com/2012/03/21/increase-the-sharepoint-2010-upload-file-size-limit/

于 2014-04-16T14:04:37.330 回答