I am migrating a Struts 1 application to Struts 2. In the Struts 2 documentation which it compares the difference it says,

Struts 2 also supports the ActionForm pattern, as well as POJO form objects and POJO Actions.

But i dont find any classes similar to ActionForm or ValidatorForm in Struts 1. So in this case how can I keep the existing ActionForm pattern in Struts 1 with the new Struts 2 jars?


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丰富的对象类型,包括业务或领域对象,可以用作输入/输出对象。该ModelDriven功能简化了对 POJO 输入对象的 taglib 引用。

要保留现有ActionForm模式,请参阅Struts 1 插件

于 2014-04-16T10:28:30.577 回答