I have been using QorIQ-SDK-V1.5 to build image for p1020rdb. However, there's no apache in the image which is what I need. But I also noticed that there's recipe in meta-webserver for apache, and I could build it separately by "bitbake -b" option. So my question is: How do I add the apache objects to image at build time?

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


在构建时将 apache2 对象添加到图像。

  1. 从 git 克隆元网络服务器

    $ git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
  2. 复制元网络服务器你的 yocto 家

    $ cp -R meta-openembedded/meta-webserver {your-yocto-home}
  3. 编辑 bblayers.conf

    $ cd {your-build-home}
    $ vi conf/bblayers.conf
    BBLAYERS ?= " \
    {your-yocto-home}/meta \
    {your-yocto-home}/meta-poky \
    {your-yocto-home}/meta-yocto-bsp \
    {your-yocto-home}/meta-webserver \
  4. 编辑 local.conf 并添加这一行

    $ vi conf/local.conf
    IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " apache2"
  5. bitbake core-image-minimal

    $ bitbake core-image-minimal
于 2017-07-17T09:47:41.310 回答

您可以在此链接中找到 Open Embedded 的层和配方。如果层已经存在于你的 Yocto 中,则克隆层目录或添加配方。

meta-webserver 层可以找到meta-webserver 层。来自 Apache 配方的Apache 配方

将配方添加到您的 poky 目录后,您需要附加软件包以将其安装到您的图像中。

于 2014-06-26T12:58:03.223 回答