我将模型的一个元素定型为 MARTE::MARTE_DesignModel::HRM::HwLogical::HwComputing::HwProcessor。但是,我不明白如何用 Papyrus 指定其工作频率。该属性应该是 NFP_Frequency 实例,但我看不到如何使用 Papyrus 编辑器创建 NFP_Frequency 实例并将其分配给“频率”属性。

SO上有另一个类似的问题:Using MARTE GQAM stereotypes in Papyrus UML models。但是,没有答案。有人可以对此有所了解吗?




1 回答 1


If I am right the operating frequency should be an Interval so for that you have many possibilities depending of the used tool...

I am using Topcased 5.3.1 and Modelio 3.1 and both tools only allow me to set String as value of op_frequency so I would specified something like [freq1 .. freq2].

Under other modelling tool I guess that you should be able to refer to UML Interval with two Instance (one for the min and the other one with the max).

Hoping it helps,


于 2014-04-14T12:58:39.783 回答