您可以使用 Bryan Gilbert 的隐式转换。这将工作得很好,但要小心使用Bryan Gilbert 转换的更新版本!Jeroen Kransen 的回答中从来没有取消订阅(这很糟糕!)。
* Observable to Enumerator
implicit def observable2Enumerator[T](obs: Observable[T]): Enumerator[T] = {
// unicast create a channel where you can push data and returns an Enumerator
Concurrent.unicast { channel =>
val subscription = obs.subscribe(new ChannelObserver(channel))
val onComplete = { () => subscription.unsubscribe }
val onError = { (_: String, _: Input[T]) => subscription.unsubscribe }
(onComplete, onError)
class ChannelObserver[T](channel: Channel[T]) extends rx.lang.scala.Observer[T] {
override def onNext(elem: T): Unit = channel.push(elem)
override def onCompleted(): Unit = channel.end()
override def onError(e: Throwable): Unit = channel.end(e)
为了完整起见,这里是从 Enumerator 到 Observable 的转换:
* Enumerator to Observable
implicit def enumerator2Observable[T](enum: Enumerator[T]): Observable[T] = {
// creating the Observable that we return
Observable({ observer: Observer[T] =>
// keeping a way to unsubscribe from the observable
var cancelled = false
// enumerator input is tested with this predicate
// once cancelled is set to true, the enumerator will stop producing data
val cancellableEnum = enum through Enumeratee.breakE[T](_ => cancelled)
// applying iteratee on producer, passing data to the observable
cancellableEnum (
).onComplete { // passing completion or error to the observable
case Success(_) => observer.onCompleted()
case Failure(e) => observer.onError(e)
// unsubscription will change the var to stop the enumerator above via the breakE function
new Subscription { override def unsubscribe() = { cancelled = true } }
用于 WebSockets 的 Rx
另一方面,您可能会注意到,您在 Play 中处理迭代器和枚举器的大部分时间是在使用 WebSockets 时(就像您在此处所做的那样)。我们都同意 Iteratees 确实不如 Observables 直观,这可能就是您在 Play 项目中使用 Rx 的原因。
根据这个观察,我构建了一个名为WidgetManager的库,它正是这样做的:在 Play 中集成 Rx 以摆脱 Iteratees 操作。
def operationStatusFeed = WebSocket.using[String] { implicit request =>
// you can optionally give a function to process data from the client (processClientData)
// and a function to execute when connection is closed (onClientClose)
val w = new WidgetManager()
w.addObservable("op", operation)
// subscribe to it and push data in the socket to the client (automatic JS callback called)
// deals with Iteratees and Enumerators for you and returns what's needed
该库在 GitHub 上:RxPlay(欢迎贡献)