Powerline ( https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline ) 是用于 shell、vim、tmux 等的电力线的通用安装。一旦安装包括以下内容,tmux 配置将在 tmux 中生成状态行的右侧:

powerline tmux right

但是,这里有很多信息,所以理想情况下,我只想使用 powerline 提取特定段以包含在 tmux 状态行中。


set -g status-right '#(powerline tmux right)'


set -g status-right '#(powerline tmux right uptime,datetime,cpu)'



1 回答 1


You will have to modify your config file in order to add or remove segments as explained here: https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html#quick-setup-guide

You don't need to fiddle with tmuy settings only once to tell tmux to use Powerline. Once tmux picks it up for its status bar you only need to adapt the Powerline config file to your needs. You might want to search github for examples. It's a bit of a nuisance to find out how it works for all the different segments or for additional ones.

于 2014-04-17T20:55:46.800 回答