我在这里找到了这个用 PHP 编写的简单通用语法荧光笔,并对其进行了一些修改:
* Original => http://phoboslab.org/log/2007/08/generic-syntax-highlighting-with-regular-expressions
* Usage => `echo SyntaxHighlight::process('source code here');`
class SyntaxHighlight {
public static function process($s) {
$s = htmlspecialchars($s);
// Workaround for escaped backslashes
$s = str_replace('\\\\','\\\\<e>', $s);
$regexp = array(
// Comments/Strings
=> 'self::replaceId($tokens,\'$1\')',
// Punctuations
=> '<span class="P">$1</span>',
// Numbers (also look for Hex)
=> '<span class="N">$1</span>',
// Make the bold assumption that an
// all uppercase word has a special meaning
=> '<span class="D">$1</span>',
// Keywords
=> '<span class="K">$1</span>',
// PHP/Perl-Style Vars: $var, %var, @var
=> '<span class="V">$1</span>'
$tokens = array(); // This array will be filled from the regexp-callback
$s = preg_replace(array_keys($regexp), array_values($regexp), $s);
// Paste the comments and strings back in again
$s = str_replace(array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $s);
// Delete the "Escaped Backslash Workaround Token" (TM)
// and replace tabs with four spaces.
$s = str_replace(array('<e>', "\t"), array('', ' '), $s);
return '<pre><code>' . $s . '</code></pre>';
// Regexp-Callback to replace every comment or string with a uniqid and save
// the matched text in an array
// This way, strings and comments will be stripped out and wont be processed
// by the other expressions searching for keywords etc.
private static function replaceId(&$a, $match) {
$id = "##r" . uniqid() . "##";
// String or Comment?
if(substr($match, 0, 2) == '//' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '/*' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '##' || substr($match, 0, 7) == '<!--') {
$a[$id] = '<span class="C">' . $match . '</span>';
} else {
$a[$id] = '<span class="S">' . $match . '</span>';
return $id;
演示: http: //phpfiddle.org/lite/code/1sf-htn
我刚刚在这里创建了我自己的 JavaScript 通用语法荧光笔的 PHP 端口 → https://github.com/taufik-nurrohman/generic-syntax-highlighter/blob/master/generic-syntax-highlighter.php
<?php require 'generic-syntax-highlighter.php'; ?>
<pre><code><?php echo SH('<div class="foo"></div>'); ?></code></pre>