参考此链接 Calculate CRC32 of an String or Byte Array 我修改了代码以计算CRC16而不是CRC32,但是我得到了错误的结果,有人能指出错误在哪里吗?
Private Sub Main()
Crc16.ComputeChecksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Some string"))
End Sub
Public Class CRC16
Shared table As UShort()
Shared Sub New()
Dim poly As UShort = &HA001US 'calculates CRC-16 using A001 polynomial (modbus)
table = New UShort(255) {}
Dim temp As UShort = 0
For i As UShort = 0 To table.Length - 1
temp = i
For j As Integer = 8 To 1 Step -1
If (temp And 1) = 1 Then
temp = CUShort((temp >> 1) Xor poly)
temp >>= 1
End If
table(i) = temp
End Sub
Public Shared Function ComputeChecksum(ByVal bytes As Byte()) As UShort
Dim crc As UShort = &H0US ' The calculation start with 0x00
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
Dim index As Byte = CByte(((crc) And &HFF) Xor bytes(i))
crc = CUShort((crc >> 8) Xor table(index))
Return Not crc
End Function
End Class