I try to use a router with phalcon. This is how it is included in index.php right after registering the 'events manager':
$di->set('router', function(){
require __DIR__.'/../app/config/routes.php';
return $router;
and this is how the routes.php looks like:
$router = new Phalcon\Mvc\Router(false);
$router->add("/", array(
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'index'
$router->add("/topics", array(
'controller' => 'wurst',
'action' => 'index'
return $router;
The website reacts as if the router was not existent. /topics and topics say this:
TopicsController handler class cannot be loaded
and I also cannot use a die("test"); function inside routes.php . nothing happens.
I also tried to activate it without a separate file, but the result was the same :(
(The sample web-application INVO was used as starting point for my site )