
我已经验证了 UDP 多播可用并且在此环境中打开了端口 47400,但不幸的是 GridGain 在启动时无法找到其他节点。你有线索为什么它不工作。


INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Config URL: n/a
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Daemon mode: off
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - OS: Linux 2.6.32-358.2.1.el6.x86_64 amd64
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - OS user: root
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Language runtime: Groovy
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - VM information: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_51-b13 Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.51-b03
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - VM total memory: 0.83GB
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Remote Management [restart: off, REST: on, JMX (remote: off)]
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - GRIDGAIN_HOME=/root
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - VM arguments: [-Djava.awt.headless=true]
WARN  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - SMTP is not configured - email notifications are off.
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Configured caches ['allSessions']
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - 3-rd party licenses can be found at: /root/libs/licenses
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Local node user attribute [ROLE=worker]
[gridgain-#5%pub-nextflow%] WARN  o.g.grid.kernal.GridDiagnostic - Initial heap size is less than 512MB (59MB). It is highly recommended to allocate at least 512MB of initial heap to run GridGain. Use -Xms512m -Xmx512m to set initial heap size.
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Non-loopback local IPs:, fe80:0:0:0:78b5:53ff:fe01:643b%3, fe80:0:0:0:f816:3eff:fe54:f4e8%2,
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Enabled local MACs: FA163E54F4E8, 7AB55301643B
INFO  o.g.g.s.c.t.GridTcpCommunicationSpi - IPC shared memory server endpoint started [port=48100, tokDir=/root/work/ipc/shmem/cf5dbd14-4bb8-420b-998f-820056aa6d1c-2646]
INFO  o.g.g.s.c.t.GridTcpCommunicationSpi - Successfully bound shared memory communication to TCP port [port=48100, locHost=]
INFO  o.g.g.s.c.t.GridTcpCommunicationSpi - Successfully bound to TCP port [port=47100, locHost=]
WARN  o.g.g.s.c.noop.GridNoopCheckpointSpi - Checkpoints are disabled (to enable configure any GridCheckpointSpi implementation)
INFO  o.g.grid.kernal.GridKernal%nextflow - Security status [authentication=off, secure-session=off]
WARN  o.g.g.k.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor - Cache write synchronization mode is set to FULL_ASYNC. All single-key 'put' and 'remove' operations will return 'null', all 'putx' and 'removex' operations will return 'true'.
WARN  o.g.g.k.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor - Automatically set write order mode to PRIMARY for write synchronization mode [writeSynchronizationMode=FULL_ASYNC, cacheName=allSessions]
WARN  o.g.g.k.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor - Query indexing is disabled (queries will not work) for cache: 'allSessions'. To enable change GridCacheConfiguration.isQueryIndexEnabled() property.
INFO  o.g.g.k.p.cache.GridCacheDgcManager - <allSessions> DGC trace log disabled.
INFO  o.g.g.k.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor - Started cache [name=allSessions, mode=REPLICATED]
INFO  org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.0.5.v20130815
INFO  o.e.jetty.server.ServerConnector - Started ServerConnector@7b9617a0{HTTP/1.1}{}
INFO  o.g.g.k.p.r.p.h.j.GridJettyRestProtocol - Command protocol successfully started [name=Jetty REST, host=/, port=8080]
INFO  o.g.g.k.p.r.p.t.GridTcpRestProtocol - Command protocol successfully started [name=TCP binary, host=, port=11211]
INFO  o.g.g.s.d.tcp.GridTcpDiscoverySpi - Successfully bound to TCP port [port=47500, localHost=/]
WARN  o.g.g.s.d.t.i.m.GridTcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder - GridTcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder has no pre-configured addresses (it is recommended in production to specify at least one address in GridTcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder.getAddresses() configuration property)

>>> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> GridGain ver. platform-os-6.0.2#20140323-sha1:f9c796a1b29d2d7ce2737e681cbe578b5315d79f
>>> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> OS name: Linux 2.6.32-358.2.1.el6.x86_64 amd64
>>> CPU(s): 2
>>> Heap: 0.83GB
>>> VM name: 2646@node.novalocal
>>> Grid name: nextflow
>>> Local node [ID=CF5DBD14-4BB8-420B-998F-820056AA6D1C, order=1]
>>> Local node addresses: [node.novalocal/]
>>> Local ports: TCP:8080 TCP:11211 TCP:47100 TCP:47500 TCP:48100 
>>> GridGain documentation: http://www.gridgain.com/documentation

INFO  o.g.g.k.m.d.GridDiscoveryManager - Topology snapshot [ver=1, nodes=1, CPUs=2, heap=0.83GB]

1 回答 1



于 2014-04-10T22:57:49.577 回答