I’m trying to integrate a simple booking system (developed in ASP) with this payment gateway: https://www.firstdata.com/

My site is hosted on a shared server and I was hoping to pass the transaction details to firstdata and have all the secure data entered and processed on their system (as in a Form Purchase token type model).

However, I'm having trouble ascertaining whether that's possible on Firstdata, the documentation is complicated and I'm not getting much response from their technical support. Ideally I'd like a test store integration example, but I can't find this on their site.

Does anyone have any experience of integrating this payment gateway using ASP, and if so any help they can offer?

Many thanks,



2 回答 2


FirstData 在支持和集成方面是最差的。

我有使用 perl 集成它们的经验,所以这可能没有多大帮助,抱歉。但只是让你知道它基本上是反复试验,技术支持是没有帮助的。

于 2010-02-19T18:26:50.863 回答

我已经完成了 LinkPoint 和 YourPay 网关。两者都需要 COM 对象,因此必须在服务器上安装 DLL。您的主机是否愿意安装该 DLL 并可能导致您的站点重新启动,或者他们是否已经安装了它?

如果他们安装了它,将会有来自 FirstData 的示例 .asp 集成示例,但您必须注册一个开发人员帐户。一旦你得到他们的例子,如果你有任何关于如何做的问题,请在这里更新你的问题,我们将解决它。

于 2010-02-19T18:18:12.970 回答