我创建了一个“tessellate”指令,可以让您包装多个 div。

<tessellate columns="4">
  <div class="thumbnail" ng-repeat="item in items track by item.id">
      {{item.Name}}<br />

它一次需要一个 div 并将其附加到指定列数中最短的列以创建镶嵌/马赛克效果。

在此处查看 plunkr:http://plnkr.co/edit/ur0bVCFRSz1UbRHeLjz8?p= preview

问题是当模型改变时,ng-repeat 使用 div在 DOM中出现的顺序而不是模型中的顺序来重绘元素。您可以看到项目首先正确排序,单击后将Add第一列中的项目水平排序,然后是下一列中的项目,依此类推。

如何防止 ng-repeat 使用 DOM 顺序重绘元素?我已经尝试添加orderBy item.id,但它没有帮助。

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('itemController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.items = [
             { id:"1", Name:"Item1", Summary:"This is the summary of Item1" },
             { id:"2", Name:"Item2", Summary:"This is the summary of Item2. Some extra text on item two to test different heights." },
             { id:"3", Name:"Item3", Summary:"This is the summary of Item3" },
             { id:"4", Name:"Item4", Summary:"This is the summary of Item4. Some extra text on item four to test different heights." },
             { id:"5", Name:"Item5", Summary:"This is the summary of Item5. Some extra text on item five to test different heights. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"6", Name:"Item6", Summary:"This is the summary of Item6" },
             { id:"7", Name:"Item7", Summary:"This is the summary of Item7. Some extra text on item seven to test different heights." },
             { id:"8", Name:"Item8", Summary:"This is the summary of Item8" },
             { id:"9", Name:"Item9", Summary:"This is the summary of Item9. Some extra text on item nine to test different heights." },
             { id:"10", Name:"Item10", Summary:"This is the summary of Item10. Some extra text on item ten to test different heights." },
             { id:"11", Name:"Item11", Summary:"This is the summary of Item11" },
             { id:"12", Name:"Item12", Summary:"This is the summary of Item12. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"13", Name:"Item13", Summary:"This is the summary of Item13" },
             { id:"14", Name:"Item14", Summary:"This is the summary of Item14. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"15", Name:"Item15", Summary:"This is the summary of Item15. Some extra text on item to test different heights. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"16", Name:"Item16", Summary:"This is the summary of Item16" },
             { id:"17", Name:"Item17", Summary:"This is the summary of Item17. Some extra text on item to test different heights." },
             { id:"18", Name:"Item18", Summary:"This is the summary of Item18" }
    $scope.inc = $scope.items.length;
    $scope.add = function() {
        $scope.inc = $scope.inc + 1;
        $scope.items.push({ id: $scope.inc, Name: "New Item" + $scope.inc, Summary:"New Summary" });

app.directive('tessellate', [function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        scope: {
            columns: '='
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
            $scope.numberToArray = function (num) {
                return new Array(num);
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {

            scope.$watch(function () {
                return elem.children().first().height();
            }, function (height) {
                if (height > 0) {
                    var containers = elem.children();
                    var transcludedDivsContainer = containers.first();
                    var targetColumns = containers.eq(1).children();

                    // Add the transcluded divs one at a time into the shortest column.
                    angular.forEach(transcludedDivsContainer.children(), function (div) {
                        var shortCol = null;
                        angular.forEach(targetColumns, function (col) {
                            col = angular.element(col);
                            if (shortCol === null || col.height() < shortCol.height()) {
                                shortCol = col;
        templateUrl: "tessellateTemplate.html"

1 回答 1


我把你的 plunkr 弄乱了。我认为它现在可以按照您想要的方式工作。


主要修复它是按索引对 dom 元素列表进行排序,为此我将 $index 添加到元素的 data-index 属性中。

于 2014-04-10T06:00:15.770 回答