我一直在为作业做帕斯卡三角形,并且我已经获得了以我想要的方式打印三角形广告的整个代码。我们的老师要求我们在每一行显示该行内数字相乘的结果;例如:在第 1 行它应该打印 1,在第 2 行打印 1,在第 3 行打印 2,在第 4 行打印 9 等等......似乎有效,在这里我把我的代码留给你,这样你就可以检查一下,看看你是否可以帮助我。顺便说一下,计数器数组是 c[] 。非常感谢!
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class class1_080414_Rodrigo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String fila;
int f, a=0, b=0;
fila=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Until which line of the triangle would you like to prnt?");
if (f<0){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "You cannot type negative numbers.");
int triangulo [][] = new int[f][f];
int c [] = new int [f];
for (a=0;a<f;a++){
for (b=0; b<f; b++){
triangulo[a][b] = 0;
for (a=0;a<f;a++){
triangulo[a][0] = 1;
for (a=1;a<f;a++) {
for (b=1;b<f;b++) {
triangulo[a][b] = triangulo[a-1][b-1] + triangulo[a-1][b];
for (a=0;a<f;a++) {
for(b=0;b<=a;b++) {
if (b==0){
System.out.format("%"+(80-a)+"s", "");
System.out.print(triangulo[a][b]+" ");
System.out.print(" ="+c[a]);