我试图在我的嵌套编程中更清楚一点,但我遇到了 aync.waterfall 的问题。我想知道是否有其他人遇到过类似的事情。我有以下代码可以正确打印出节点对象,但不允许我访问各个变量。第 17 行的控制台输出如下所示: Found existing node = [ { lastName: 'Anonymous', emailAddress: 'myname@mydomain.com', formattedName: 'Henry Anonymous', mainAddress: '2016 Nowhere Dr\nSnogsville, TX 11121 ', firstName: 'Henry', _id: 0 } ] 未定义
function getNode(nodeLabels, nodeProperties, getNodeCallback) {
function(nextCallback) {
db.readNodesWithLabelsAndProperties(nodeLabels, nodeProperties, function (err, nodesRead) {
nextCallback(err ? err : null
, (nodesRead.length < 1)
, (nodesRead.length < 1) ? null : nodesRead);
function(createNode, existingNode, nextCallback) {
if (createNode) {
console.log('Creating node ...');
db.insertNode(nodeProperties, nodeLabels, nextCallback);
} else {
console.log('Found existing node = ', existingNode, existingNode._id);
nextCallback(null, existingNode);
], getNodeCallback);
function getPersonNode(userToGet, getPersonNodeCallback) {
getNode('Person', { firstName: userToGet._json.firstName
, lastName: userToGet._json.lastName
, formattedName: userToGet._json.formattedName
, emailAddress: userToGet._json.emailAddress
, mainAddress: userToGet._json.mainAddress
, getPersonNodeCallback);
function createRelationship(startNodeId, endNodeId, relationshipType, relationshipProperties, createRelationshipCallback) {
console.log('Creating relationship between ', startNodeId, ' and ', endNodeId);
function(nextCallback) {
db.readTypedRelationshipsOfNode(startNodeId, [relationshipType], function(err, relationshipsRead) {
console.log('Relationships of type = ', relationshipType, ' = ', relationshipsRead);
// nextCallback(err ? err : null
// , !relationshipsRead
// , relationshipsRead ? relationshipsRead : null);
if (err) {
console.log('Error trying to find existing relationship = ', err);
nextCallback(err, false, null);
} else {
if (!relationshipsRead) {
console.log('Relationship does not exist, create it');
nextCallback( null, true, null);
} else {
console.log('Relationship already exists, do not create it');
nextCallback( null, false, relationshipsRead);
function(createRelationship, existingRelationship, nextCallback) {
if (createRelationship) {
db.insertRelationship(startNodeId, endNodeId, relationshipType, relationshipProperties, nextCallback);
} else {
nextCallback(null, existingRelationship);
], createRelationshipCallback);
function createAssociationRelationship(associationName, personNode, createAssociationRelationshipCallback) {
function(nextCallback) {
getNode('Association', {name: associationName}, function(err, associationNode) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error getting association node = ', err);
nextCallback(err, null);
} else {
console.log('Got association node = ', associationNode);
nextCallback(null, associationNode);
function(assocNode, nextCallback) {
console.log('Creating relationship between ', personNode._id, ' and ', assocNode._id);
createRelationship(personNode._id, assocNode._id, 'Is Member Of', null, function(err, normalRelationship) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error creating association relationship = ', err);
nextCallback(err, null);
} else {
console.log('Created Is Member Of Relationship = ', normalRelationship);
nextCallback(null, assocNode);
function(assNode, nextCallback) {
createRelationship(assNode._id, personNode._id, 'Has Member', null, function(err, reverseRelationship) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error creating association relationship = ', err);
nextCallback(err, null);
} else {
console.log('Created Has Member Relationship = ', reverseRelationship);
nextCallback(null, assNode);
], createAssociationRelationshipCallback);
app.get('/', function(req, res){
if (typeof req.user != 'undefined') {
function(nextCallback) {
getPersonNode(req.user, function(err, newPersonNode) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error = ', err);
console.log("Node = ", newPersonNode);
nextCallback(null, newPersonNode);
function(startNode, nextCallback) {
req.user._json.associations.split(',').forEach(function(nameValue, index, arrayItem) {
createAssociationRelationship(nameValue, startNode, function(err, associationRelationship) {
if (err)
console.log('Error = ', err);
console.log('Created relationship between ', startNode, ' and ', associationRelationship);
res.render('index', { user: req.user });