I am trying to convert previous code to VS 2010. The code I am trying to convert is mentioned below. The function addCommand is defined like
addCommand(const ACHAR * cmdGroupName, const ACHAR * cmdGlobalName, const ACHAR * cmdLocalName, Adesk::Int32 commandFlags, AcRxFunctionPtr FunctionAddr,AcEdUIContext *UIContext=NULL, int fcode=-1, HINSTANCE hResourceHandle=NULL, AcEdCommand** cmdPtrRet=NULL)
The third required argument is of type ACHAR. The function is called in the following way.
char cmdLocRes[65];
// If idLocal is not -1, it's treated as an ID for
// a string stored in the resources.
if (idLocal != -1) {
// Load strings from the string table and register the command.
::LoadString(_hdllInstance, idLocal, cmdLocRes, 64);
acedRegCmds->addCommand(cmdGroup, cmdInt, cmdLocRes, cmdFlags, cmdProc);
My problem is that the variable cmdLocRes is of type char but the argument needs to be of type ACHAR.
How can I convert the same ?