
i, temp : integer; 
values : array[1..100] of integer; 

x := 1; 

while x < 100 loop 

if values[x] > values[x+1] then begin 

temp := values[x]; 

 values[x] := values[x+1]; 

 values[x+1] := temp; 

 end if; 

 x := x + 1; 

end loop; 

3 回答 3


1 <= x <= 100 is the loop invariant. Always true before and after each loop repitition.

A loop invariant should be true on entry into a loop and is guaranteed to remain true after every iteration of the loop. This means that on exit from the loop both the loop invariant and the loop termination condition can be guaranteed.

See the Floyd-Hoare logic section with simple x<10 loop example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_invariant

于 2014-04-08T04:09:57.557 回答


这个循环的不变量是:the values[x] and values[x + 1] are maybe not sorted or x is the last index在每次循环迭代之前和之后都是真的。在循环结合for 循环条件之后它仍然是正确的:false

i, temp : integer; 
values : array[1..100] of integer; 

x := 1; 

while x < 100 loop 
    // the values[x] and values[x + 1] are maybe not sorted or x is the last index - true
    if values[x] > values[x+1] then begin 
        temp := values[x]; 
        values[x] := values[x+1]; 
        values[x+1] := temp; 
    end if; 
    x := x + 1; 
    // the values[x] and values[x + 1] are maybe not sorted or x is the last index - true
end loop; 

// the values[x] and values[x + 1] are maybe not sorted or x is the last index - true
// and x >= 100 - true


于 2014-04-08T04:33:18.417 回答



x >= 1 && x < 100


于 2014-04-08T04:05:19.227 回答